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Hej pomógłby ktoś ze skryptem?



Hej, mam mały problem ze skryptem na helpop i czy umiałby ktoś mi pomóc?


Command /helpop [<text>]:
		if arg 1 is set:
			send "&4[HelpOp] &cWiadomość została wysłana!" to player
			loop all players:
				if loop-player has permission "ekipa.helpop":
					send "&4[HelpOp] &7%player%: &f%arg 1%" to loop-player
					make embed:
						set color of embed to {@kolor}
						set the title of embed to tile with text "Gracz %player% napisał"
						set the description of embed to description with text "%arg 1%"
					send the last created embed to channel with id "XXXX" with "{@bot}"
			send "&9[!] &7Podaj treść wiadomości!" to player

Takie oto błędy wyskakują:


Edytowane przez Matthew10
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11 odpowiedzi na to pytanie

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Command /helpop [<text>]:
		if arg 1 is set:
			send "&4[HelpOp] &cWiadomość została wysłana!" to player
			loop all players:
				if loop-player has permission "ekipa.helpop":
					send "&4[HelpOp] &7%player%: &f%arg 1%" to loop-player
					make embed:
  						set {_title} to "Gracz %player% napisał" parsed as text
  						set {_desc} to "%arg 1%" parsed as text
						set color of embed to {@kolor}
						set the title of embed to tile with text "%{_title}%"
						set the description of embed to description with text "%{_desc}%"
					send the last created embed to channel with id "XXXX" with "{@bot}"
			send "&9[!] &7Podaj treść wiadomości!" to player

powinno działać

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9 minut temu, lie_pan1 napisał:
Command /helpop [<text>]:
		if arg 1 is set:
			send "&4[HelpOp] &cWiadomość została wysłana!" to player
			loop all players:
				if loop-player has permission "ekipa.helpop":
					send "&4[HelpOp] &7%player%: &f%arg 1%" to loop-player
					make embed:
  						set {_title} to "Gracz %player% napisał" parsed as text
  						set {_desc} to "%arg 1%" parsed as text
						set color of embed to {@kolor}
						set the title of embed to tile with text "%{_title}%"
						set the description of embed to description with text "%{_desc}%"
					send the last created embed to channel with id "XXXX" with "{@bot}"
			send "&9[!] &7Podaj treść wiadomości!" to player

powinno działać


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Command /helpop [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&9[!] &7Podaj treść wiadomości!" to player
        send "&4[HelpOp] &cWiadomość została wysłana!" to player
        send "&4[HelpOp] &7%player%: &f%arg 1%" to all players where [input has permission "ekipa.helpop"]
        make embed:
            set color of embed to {@kolor}
            set the title of embed to tile with text "Gracz %player% napisał"
            set the description of embed to description with text "%arg 1%"
        send the last created embed to channel with id "XXXX" with "{@bot}"


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18 minut temu, xAxee napisał:
Command /helpop [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&9[!] &7Podaj treść wiadomości!" to player
        send "&4[HelpOp] &cWiadomość została wysłana!" to player
        send "&4[HelpOp] &7%player%: &f%arg 1%" to all players where [input has permission "ekipa.helpop"]
        make embed:
            set color of embed to {@kolor}
            set the title of embed to tile with text "Gracz %player% napisał"
            set the description of embed to description with text "%arg 1%"
        send the last created embed to channel with id "XXXX" with "{@bot}"



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command /helpop [<text>]:
		if arg 1 is not set:
			send "&8» &7Poprawne użycie&8: &c/helpop <wiadomość>"
		if arg 1 is set:
			send "&2Twoja wiadomość została wysłana dla administracji!"
			loop all players:
				if loop-player has permission "helpop.sprawdzanie":
					send "&8[&cHelpop&8]&7: &8%player%&7: &f%arg-1%"

powinno dzialac

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3 minuty temu, iYowee napisał:
command /helpop [<text>]:
		if arg 1 is not set:
			send "&8» &7Poprawne użycie&8: &c/helpop <wiadomość>"
		if arg 1 is set:
			send "&2Twoja wiadomość została wysłana dla administracji!"
			loop all players:
				if loop-player has permission "helpop.sprawdzanie":
					send "&8[&cHelpop&8]&7: &8%player%&7: &f%arg-1%"

powinno dzialac

Tyle że mi chodzi o te embedy na discordzie a nie tylko powiadomienie na serwerze

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