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Crafting Serce



Witam, ogolnie to mam taki oto skrypt:

no i jest blad taki 

[13:27:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skript] Reloading
[13:27:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Line 14: (
[13:27:36] [Server thread/INFO]:     Can't understand this condition/effect: register new shaped recipe for 1 red dye named "&4SERCE" using netherite_block, diamond_block, netherite_block, netherite_block, netherite_wart, netherite_block, netherite_block, diamond_block, netherite_block
[13:27:36] [Server thread/INFO]:     Line: register new shaped recipe for 1 red dye named "&4SERCE" using {@slot-1}, {@slot-2}, {@slot-3}, {@slot-4}, {@slot-5}, {@slot-6}, {@slot-7}, {@slot-8}, {@slot-9}
[13:27:36] [Server thread/INFO]:
[13:27:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Line 21: (
[13:27:36] [Server thread/INFO]:     Can't understand this condition/effect: delete event-item "&4SERCE"
[13:27:36] [Server thread/INFO]:     Line: delete event-item "&4SERCE"
[13:27:36] [Server thread/INFO]:
[13:27:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 2 errors while reloading! (14ms)

Jezeli macie jakies pytania dotyczace tego pytajcie.


Wstawiam błędy w code. 

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Zapomnialem napisac, wersja minecrafta 1.17.1


jednak nie ma bledu po dodaniu pluginow paru ale nie dziala crafting i uzycie.

on load:
    register new shaped recipe for red dye named "&4SERCE" using netherite_block, diamond_block, netherite_block, netherite_block, netherite_wart, netherite_block, netherite_block, diamond_block, netherite_block
on rightclick with red dye:
    if name of event-item is "&4SERCE":
        add 1 to maximum health of the player
        send "&7Wlasnie dodales sobie jedno &c ❤!"
        send "&7Pamietaj! Nie zmarnuj go heh..."



Łączę posty, wstawiam kod w code. 

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4 godziny temu, CoFFeIN04 napisał:

Bo nie ma w Skript ID z "_", zamień _ na spacje i powinno działać

nie rozumiem troche, mogl bys bardziej wytlumaczyc co to te Skript ID



2 godziny temu, 4444444444444444 napisał:

nie rozumiem troche, mogl bys bardziej wytlumaczyc co to te Skript ID


a dobra, nie wazne sprobuj to zrobic bo skumalem.


Nadal po usunieciu _ i dodaniu spacji nci sie nie dzieje w craftingu


Łączę posty. 

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    slot-1: netherite block
    slot-2: diamond block
    slot-3: netherite block
    slot-4: netherite block
    slot-5: netherite wart
    slot-6: netherite block
    slot-7: netherite block
    slot-8: diamond block
    slot-9: netherite block
on script load:
    register new shaped recipe for 1 red dye named "&4SERCE" using {@slot-1}, {@slot-2}, {@slot-3}, {@slot-4}, {@slot-5}, {@slot-6}, {@slot-7}, {@slot-8}, {@slot-9}
on rightclick with red dye:
    if name of event-item is "&4SERCE":
        add 1 to maximum health of the player
        send "&7Wlasnie dodales sobie jedno &c ❤!"
        send "&7Pamietaj! Nie zmarnuj go heh..."
        remove red dye named "&4SERCE" from player's inventory

Spróbuj tego oczywiście z dodatkiem SkQuery minimum 3.6.2-LIME 

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