Hejka! Chciałem zrobić coś takiego że jak postawie cobblestone to tak jak na tych serwerach pvp on zniknie - ale jesli masz macro czy coś to wtedy uda ci się wyjść. I nie wiem zabardzo gdzie popełniłem błąd bo wysypuje mi mase errorów.
Wersja 1.8.8
Wklejam kod i wykres z konsoli podczas ładowania skryptu
on load:
broadcast "&8[&bMainSkript&8] &9Skrypt zostal pomyslnie zaladowany!"
on place cobblestone:
if {trigger} is true:
wait 1 tick
cancel event
on place water:
if {trigger} is true:
wait 2 second
cancel event
on place slime:
if {trigger} is true:
wait 2 second
cancel event
command /sterowanie [<text>]:
if arg 1 is "on" or "off":
if arg 1 is "on":
broadcast "&8[&bMainSkript&8] &7Użytkownik &9%player% &cwylaczyl &7tryb znikających bloków!"
set {trigger} to true
wait 1 second
broadcast "&8[&bMainSkript&8] &7Aby go ponownie &awlaczyc &7wpisz komende &9/sterowanie"
if arg 1 is "off":
broadcast "&8[&bMainSkript&8] &7Użytkownik &9%player% &cwylaczyl &7tryb znikających bloków!"
wait 1 second
set {trigger} to true
broadcast "&8[&bMainSkript&8] &7Aby go ponownie &awlaczyc &7wpisz komende &9/sterowanie"
send "&8[&bMainSkript&8] &7Poprawne użycie komendy: &9/sterowanie <&aon&9/&coff&9>"
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 235! (aliases-english.sk, line 277: [white(_| )]glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 235')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 236! (aliases-english.sk, line 278: orange(_| )glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 236')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 237! (aliases-english.sk, line 279: magenta(_| )glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 237')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 238! (aliases-english.sk, line 280: light(_| )blue(_| )glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 238')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 239! (aliases-english.sk, line 281: yellow(_| )glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 239')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 240! (aliases-english.sk, line 282: (lime|light(_| )green)(_| )glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 240')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 241! (aliases-english.sk, line 283: pink(_| )glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 241')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 242! (aliases-english.sk, line 284: gray(_| )glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 242')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 243! (aliases-english.sk, line 285: light(_| )gray(_| )glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 243')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 244! (aliases-english.sk, line 286: cyan(_| )glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 244')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 245! (aliases-english.sk, line 287: purple(_| )glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 245')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 246! (aliases-english.sk, line 288: blue(_| )glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 246')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 247! (aliases-english.sk, line 289: brown(_| )glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 247')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 248! (aliases-english.sk, line 290: green(_| )glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 248')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 249! (aliases-english.sk, line 291: red(_| )glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 249')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 250! (aliases-english.sk, line 292: black(_| )glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 250')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 235! (aliases-english.sk, line 293: [<any>](_| )glazed(_| )terracotta¦s = 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 295: [white(_| )]concrete¦s = 251')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 296: orange(_| )concrete¦s = 251:1')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 297: magenta(_| )concrete¦s = 251:2')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 298: light(_| )blue(_| )concrete¦s = 251:3')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 299: yellow(_| )concrete¦s = 251:4')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 300: (lime|light(_| )green)(_| )concrete¦s = 251:5')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 301: pink(_| )concrete¦s = 251:6')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 302: gray(_| )concrete¦s = 251:7')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 303: light(_| )gray(_| )concrete¦s = 251:8')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 304: cyan(_| )concrete¦s = 251:9')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 305: purple(_| )concrete¦s = 251:10')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 306: blue(_| )concrete¦s = 251:11')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 307: brown(_| )concrete¦s = 251:12')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 308: green(_| )concrete¦s = 251:13')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 309: red(_| )concrete¦s = 251:14')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 310: black(_| )concrete¦s = 251:15')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 251! (aliases-english.sk, line 311: [<any>](_| )concrete¦s = 251, 251:1, 251:2, 251:3, 251:4, 251:5, 251:6, 251:7, 251:8, 251:9, 251:10, 251:11, 251:12, 251:13, 251:14, 251:15')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 313: [white(_| )]concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 314: orange(_| )concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252:1')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 315: magenta(_| )concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252:2')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 316: light(_| )blue(_| )concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252:3')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 317: yellow(_| )concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252:4')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 318: (lime|light(_| )green)(_| )concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252:5')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 319: pink(_| )concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252:6')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 320: gray(_| )concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252:7')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 321: light(_| )gray(_| )concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252:8')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 322: cyan(_| )concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252:9')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 323: purple(_| )concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252:10')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 324: blue(_| )concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252:11')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 325: brown(_| )concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252:12')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 326: green(_| )concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252:13')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 327: red(_| )concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252:14')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 328: black(_| )concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252:15')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 329: [<any>](_| )concrete(_| )powder¦s = 252, 252:1, 252:2, 252:3, 252:4, 252:5, 252:6, 252:7, 252:8, 252:9, 252:10, 252:11, 252:12, 252:13, 252:14, 252:15')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 252! (aliases-english.sk, line 331: [white(_| )]bed(_| )item¦s = 252')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 453! (aliases-english.sk, line 350: knowledge(_| )book¦s = 453')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 218! (aliases-english.sk, line 353: observer¦s = 218')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 219! (aliases-english.sk, line 355: white(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 219')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 220! (aliases-english.sk, line 356: orange(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 220')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 221! (aliases-english.sk, line 357: magenta(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 221')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 222! (aliases-english.sk, line 358: light(_| )blue(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 222')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 223! (aliases-english.sk, line 359: yellow(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 223')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 224! (aliases-english.sk, line 360: (lime|light(_| )green)(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 224')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 225! (aliases-english.sk, line 361: pink(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 225')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 226! (aliases-english.sk, line 362: gray(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 226')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 227! (aliases-english.sk, line 363: light(_| )gray(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 227')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 228! (aliases-english.sk, line 364: cyan(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 228')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 229! (aliases-english.sk, line 365: [purple(_| )]shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 229')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 230! (aliases-english.sk, line 366: blue(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 230')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 231! (aliases-english.sk, line 367: brown(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 231')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 232! (aliases-english.sk, line 368: green(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 232')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 233! (aliases-english.sk, line 369: red(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 233')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 234! (aliases-english.sk, line 370: black(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 234')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 219! (aliases-english.sk, line 371: [<any>](_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 449! (aliases-english.sk, line 374: totem(_| )of(_| )undying¦s = 449')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 450! (aliases-english.sk, line 375: shulker(_| )shell¦s = 450')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 452! (aliases-english.sk, line 376: iron(_| )nugget¦s = 452')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 213! (aliases-english.sk, line 379: magma(_| )block¦s = 213')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 214! (aliases-english.sk, line 380: nether(_| )wart(_| )block¦s = 214')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 215! (aliases-english.sk, line 381: red(_| )nether(_| )brick¦s = 215')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 216! (aliases-english.sk, line 382: bone(_| )block¦s = 216')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 217! (aliases-english.sk, line 383: structure(_| )void¦s = 217')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 198! (aliases-english.sk, line 386: end[er](_| )rod¦s = 198')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 199! (aliases-english.sk, line 387: chorus(_| )plant¦s = 199')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 200! (aliases-english.sk, line 388: chorus(_| )flower¦s = 200')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 201! (aliases-english.sk, line 389: purpur(_| )block¦s = 201')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 202! (aliases-english.sk, line 390: purpur(_| )pillar¦s = 202')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 203! (aliases-english.sk, line 391: purpur(_| )stairs = 203')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 204! (aliases-english.sk, line 392: purpur(_| )double(_| )slab¦s = 204')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 205! (aliases-english.sk, line 393: purpur(_| )slab¦s = 205')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 206! (aliases-english.sk, line 394: endstone(_| )bricks = 206')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 207! (aliases-english.sk, line 395: beetroot(_| )block¦s = 207')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 208! (aliases-english.sk, line 396: grass(_| )path¦s = 208')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 209! (aliases-english.sk, line 397: ender(_| )gateway¦s = 209')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 210! (aliases-english.sk, line 398: repeating(_| )command(_| )block¦s = 210')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 211! (aliases-english.sk, line 399: chain(_| )command(_| )block¦s = 211')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 212! (aliases-english.sk, line 400: frosted(_| )ice¦s = 212')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 255! (aliases-english.sk, line 402: structure(_| )block¦s = 255')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 426! (aliases-english.sk, line 405: ender(_| )crystal¦s = 426')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 432! (aliases-english.sk, line 406: chorus(_| )fruit¦s = 432')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 433! (aliases-english.sk, line 407: popped(_| )chorus(_| )fruit¦s = 433')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 434! (aliases-english.sk, line 408: beetroot¦s = 434')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 435! (aliases-english.sk, line 409: beetroot(_| )seeds = 435')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 436! (aliases-english.sk, line 410: beetroot(_| )soup¦s = 436')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 437! (aliases-english.sk, line 411: dragon(_| )breath¦s = 437')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 438! (aliases-english.sk, line 412: splash(_| )water(_| )bottle¦s = 438')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 439! (aliases-english.sk, line 413: spectral(_| )arrow¦s = 439')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 440! (aliases-english.sk, line 414: tipped(_| )arrow¦s = 440')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 441! (aliases-english.sk, line 415: lingering(_| )water(_| )bottle¦s = 441')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 442! (aliases-english.sk, line 416: shield¦s = 442')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 443! (aliases-english.sk, line 417: elytra¦s = 443')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 444! (aliases-english.sk, line 418: spruce(_| )boat¦s = 444')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 445! (aliases-english.sk, line 419: birch(_| )boat¦s = 445')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 446! (aliases-english.sk, line 420: jungle(_| )boat¦s = 446')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 447! (aliases-english.sk, line 421: acacia(_| )boat¦s = 447')
[08:45:25 ERROR]: [Skript] There doesn't exist a material with id 448! (aliases-english.sk, line 422: dark(_| )oak(_| )boat¦s = 448')
Hejka! Chciałem zrobić coś takiego że jak postawie cobblestone to tak jak na tych serwerach pvp on zniknie - ale jesli masz macro czy coś to wtedy uda ci się wyjść. I nie wiem zabardzo gdzie popełniłem błąd bo wysypuje mi mase errorów.
Wersja 1.8.8
Wklejam kod i wykres z konsoli podczas ładowania skryptu
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