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wybór 2 losowych graczy i użycie na nich efektu



chodziło by mi o coś takiego:

gracz wpisuje komende /xxx xx

tepa go do miejsca które można ustawić inną komendą

jeśli jest 5 gracz (ewentualnie do ustawienia w opcjach) przeteleportuje graczy na inną mape

rozpocznie się odliczanie od 20 do 0

po tym czasie wybierze 2 loswych graczy i użyje na nich efektu: disguise player as "zombie" i dostaną te osoby 30 serduszek (czyli razem będą mieli 40 serc)

Edytowane przez mich100
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wedle tematu:

variables:    {arena.liczba} = 0    {arena.%player%} = falsecommand /xxxxx:    trigger:        {arena.%player%} is false        set {arena.%player%} to true        teleport player to {spawn.areny}        add 1 to {arena.liczba}        if {arena.liczba} is 5:            loop all players:                if {arena.%loop-player%} is true:                    set {_x} to random player out of loop-players parsed as player                    set {_y} to random player out of loop-players parsed as player                    send "20" to loop-player                    wait 10 seconds                    send "10"  to loop-player                    wait 5 seconds                    send "5" to loop-player                    wait 5 seconds                    send "start" to loop-player                    disguise "%{_x}%" as zombie                    disguise "%{_y}%" as zombie                    set max health of "%{_x}%" to 20                    set max health of "%{_y}%" to 20command /yyyyy:    trigger:        if player has permission "arena.admin":            set {spawn.areny} to location of player            send "&6Ustawiles"
masz, powinno zadziałać, jak co to quotuj
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no napisałem że nie rozpoznaje zmiennych w liniach o zamianie i zwiększeniu zdrowia i w lini 10 i 11 nie wie o co chodzi



ogarnąłem też kilka innych błędów bo było ich 11 a jest 4 :p

 jeśli chodzi o zmienne to masz logi:

[11:19:25] [server thread/ERROR]: '"%{_x}%"' is not an entity type (, line 22: disguise "%{_x}%" as "zombie"')
[11:19:25] [server thread/ERROR]: '"%{_y}%"' is not an entity type (, line 23: disguise "%{_y}%" as "zombie"')
[11:19:25] [server thread/ERROR]: '"%{_x}%"' is not an entity type (, line 24: set max health of "%{_x}%" to 20')
[11:19:25] [server thread/ERROR]: '"%{_y}%"' is not an entity type (, line 25: set max health of "%{_y}%" to 20')
Edytowane przez mich100
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On damage of a player:

Attacker is zombie:

Disguise victim as zombie

Nie testowane ale powinno działać.


Ewentualnie jeżeli nie zadziała to możesz ustawić zmienną np. {Zombie.%player%} na true jak sie zmieni w zombiaka i przy uderzeniu sprawdzać

On damage:

{zombie.%attacker%} is true:

{zombie.%victim%} is false:

Disguise victim as zombie

Set {zombie.%victim%} to true


Da się w Tapatalk formatować tekst jako kod?

Edytowane przez Lizak3
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@up nie wiem może pomyśle nad tym ale na razie pracuje nad odwzorowaniem trybu gry z jednej gry XD


błędy :(

[skript] Can't understand the type 'attacker' (, line 4: {zmienna.%attacker%}: false')
[13:09:18] [server thread/ERROR]: [skript] Can't understand the type 'victim' (, line 5: {zmienna.%victim%}: false')
[13:09:18] [server thread/WARN]: [skript] Possible name conflict of variables {arena.liczba} and {arena.%player%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 12: add 1 to {arena.liczba}')
[13:09:18] [server thread/ERROR]: [skript] Can't compare an entity with a types.inventorytype (, line 59: attacker is player:')
Edytowane przez mich100
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Tak trochę słabo, ale no skoro ładnie spamujesz mi na PW :D


variables:        {arena.gra.ilosc} = 0        {arena.%player%} = false options:                minplayer: 2 command /xxxx xx:        trigger:                if {arena.%player%} is false:                        teleport player to {lobby.areny}                        send "&3Dołaczyles do gry!" to player                        add 1 to {arena.gra.ilosc}                        {arena.gra.ilosc} is greater than {@minplayer}:                            set {arena.%player%} to true                            loop all players in world "Tutaj wpisz nazwe tego swiata":                                set {_x} to random player out of loop-players                                set {_y} to random player out of loop-players                                teleport loop-player to {spawn.areny}                                send "&410" to loop-player                                wait 1 second                                send "&49"  to loop-player                                wait 1 second                                send "&48" to loop-player                                wait 1 second                                send "&47" to loop-player                                wait 1 second                                send "&46"  to loop-player                                wait 1 second                                send "&45" to loop-player                                wait 1 second                                send "&44" to loop-player                                wait 1 second                                send "&43"  to loop-player                                wait 1 second                                send "&42" to loop-player                                wait 1 second                                send "&41" to loop-player                                wait 1 second                                send "&1start" to loop-player                                disguise {_x} as "zombie"                                disguise {_y} as "zombie"                                set {disguised.%{_x}%} to "zombie"                                set {disguised.                                set max health of {_x} to 40                                set max health of {_y} to 40                                heal {_x}                                heal {_y}  command /ustaw lobby:        trigger:                if player has permission "arena.admin":                        set {lobby.areny} to location of player                        send "&6Ustawiles" command /arena spawn:        trigger:                if player has permission "arena.admin":                        set {spawn.areny} to location of player                        send "&6Ustawiles" on damage:    {disguised.%attacker%} is "zombie":        victim is players:            disguise victim as "zombie"
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spam :3

nie działa po wpisaniu komendy nic się nie dzieje :(

i błędy xD:

[19:09:44] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 32 spaces, but found 28 spaces (, line 15: set {arena.%player%} to true')
[19:09:44] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 32 spaces, but found 28 spaces (, line 16: loop all players in world "world":')
[19:09:44] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-players' (, line 17: set {_x} to random player out of loop-players')
[19:09:44] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-players' (, line 18: set {_y} to random player out of loop-players')
[19:09:44] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player' (, line 19: teleport loop-player to {spawn.areny}')
[19:09:44] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player' (, line 20: send "&410" to loop-player')
[19:09:44] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player' (, line 22: send "&49"  to loop-player')
[19:09:44] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player' (, line 24: send "&48" to loop-player')
[19:09:44] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player' (, line 26: send "&47" to loop-player')
[19:09:44] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player' (, line 28: send "&46"  to loop-player')
[19:09:44] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player' (, line 30: send "&45" to loop-player')
[19:09:44] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player' (, line 32: send "&44" to loop-player')
[19:09:44] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player' (, line 34: send "&43"  to loop-player')
[19:09:44] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player' (, line 36: send "&42" to loop-player')
[19:09:44] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player' (, line 38: send "&41" to loop-player')
[19:09:44] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player' (, line 40: send "&1start" to loop-player')
Edytowane przez mich100
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