Witam mam taki problem ze nie wiem jak wyciagnac liste na tabliczke:
on rightclick on sign: if line 1 of the clicked block is "&1[KitDeath]": if line 2 of the clicked block is "{kits::*}": loop {kit::*}: give player (loop-value parsed as item) equip player with {kit.%arg 2%.boots} parsed as item equip player with {kit.%arg 2%.chestplate} parsed as item equip player with {kit.%arg 2%.leggings} parsed as item equip player with {kit.%arg 2%.helmet} parsed as item send "&6>> &aDostales kit &6[&a%arg 2%&6]" on sign change: if line 1 is "[k]": if line 2 is "{kits::*}": set line 1 to "&1[KitDeath]" send "&6>> &aStworzono tabliczke &6KIT" stop else: set line 2 to "&4Error!"
Damian 0
Witam mam taki problem ze nie wiem jak wyciagnac liste na tabliczke:
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