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Mini Antylogout



Chcialbym aby ktos zrobil cos takiego w skript aby dzialalo na 1.16.5, ze

Jezeli ktos uderzy innego gracza to ma antylogout przez 30 sekund, ale ten antylogout bylby w innej wersji niz wiekszosc jest w internecie, poniewaz dzialalby tak:

ktos uderzy kogos i oboje maja antylogout przez 30 sekund  i przez ten czas, mogli by lognac, i by to nie zabilo, ale podczas tego antylogout nie mogli by wchodzic na regiony: "spawn1" oraz "arenapvp2". Wyswietlalo by im sie powiadomienie na chat: "&c&l&oHey! &7&oNie mozesz wchodzic na ten teren jeszcze przez &c&o*** (tu bylby podany czas) &7&osekund! "

Osoby z uprawnieniami: antylogout.join.bypass (czyli administratorzy) mogli by wchodzic wtedy na te regiony podczas walki.

A jezeli ktos ma vanish (plugin: premiumvanish (wersja premium supervanish)) to by wtedy antylogout w ogole nie zadzialal

Edytowane przez steveq757
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6 odpowiedzi na to pytanie

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on damage of player:
	set {_v} to "%victim%" parsed as offlineplayer
	set {_a} to "%attacker%" parsed as offlineplayer
	if {_v} and {_a} is online:
		set {antylog::%{_v}%} and {antylog::%{_a}%} to now
on region enter:
	if player has permission "antylogout.join.bypass":
	if region is "spawn1" parsed as region or "arenapvp2" parsed as region:
		if difference between now and {antylog::%player%} is smaller than 30 seconds:
			cancel event
			set {_diff} to "%difference between now and {antylog::%player%}%"
			replace all " seconds" in {_diff} with ""
			set {_diff} to 30 - {_diff} parsed as number
			send "&c&l&oHey! &7&oNie mozesz wchodzic na ten teren jeszcze przez &c&o*** %{_diff}% &7&osekund! "

Nie znam tego pluginu supervanish to masz bez vanisha.

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7 minut temu, knugi napisał:

on damage of player:
	set {_v} to "%victim%" parsed as offlineplayer
	set {_a} to "%attacker%" parsed as offlineplayer
	if {_v} and {_a} is online:
		set {antylog::%{_v}%} and {antylog::%{_a}%} to now
on region enter:
	if player has permission "antylogout.join.bypass":
	if region is "spawn1" parsed as region or "arenapvp2" parsed as region:
		if difference between now and {antylog::%player%} is smaller than 30 seconds:
			cancel event
			set {_diff} to "%difference between now and {antylog::%player%}%"
			replace all " seconds" in {_diff} with ""
			set {_diff} to 30 - {_diff} parsed as number
			send "&c&l&oHey! &7&oNie mozesz wchodzic na ten teren jeszcze przez &c&o*** %{_diff}% &7&osekund! "

Nie znam tego pluginu supervanish to masz bez vanisha.

Dziekuje, a mam pytanie daloby sie do tego zrobic tak, ze jeszcze do graczy ktorzy uderza kogos ktorzy maja uprawnienie antylogout.join.bypass to w ogole nie rozpoczyna sie u nich antylogout u gracza tego ktory uderzyl oraz u osoby ktora ma te uprawnienie

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36 minut temu, steveq757 napisał:

Dziekuje, a mam pytanie daloby sie do tego zrobic tak, ze jeszcze do graczy ktorzy uderza kogos ktorzy maja uprawnienie antylogout.join.bypass to w ogole nie rozpoczyna sie u nich antylogout u gracza tego ktory uderzyl oraz u osoby ktora ma te uprawnienie


on damage of player:
	set {_v} to "%victim%" parsed as offlineplayer
	set {_a} to "%attacker%" parsed as offlineplayer
	if {_a} or {_v} has permission "antylogout.join.bypass":
	if {_v} and {_a} is online:
		set {antylog::%{_v}%} and {antylog::%{_a}%} to now
on region enter:
	if region is "spawn1" parsed as region or "arenapvp2" parsed as region:
		if difference between now and {antylog::%player%} is smaller than 30 seconds:
			cancel event
			set {_diff} to "%difference between now and {antylog::%player%}%"
			replace all " seconds" in {_diff} with ""
			set {_diff} to 30 - {_diff} parsed as number
			send "&c&l&oHey! &7&oNie mozesz wchodzic na ten teren jeszcze przez &c&o*** %{_diff}% &7&osekund! "


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24 minuty temu, knugi napisał:


on damage of player:
	set {_v} to "%victim%" parsed as offlineplayer
	set {_a} to "%attacker%" parsed as offlineplayer
	if {_a} or {_v} has permission "antylogout.join.bypass":
	if {_v} and {_a} is online:
		set {antylog::%{_v}%} and {antylog::%{_a}%} to now
on region enter:
	if region is "spawn1" parsed as region or "arenapvp2" parsed as region:
		if difference between now and {antylog::%player%} is smaller than 30 seconds:
			cancel event
			set {_diff} to "%difference between now and {antylog::%player%}%"
			replace all " seconds" in {_diff} with ""
			set {_diff} to 30 - {_diff} parsed as number
			send "&c&l&oHey! &7&oNie mozesz wchodzic na ten teren jeszcze przez &c&o*** %{_diff}% &7&osekund! "



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