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if player has item:



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1 minutę temu, Arrd1337 napisał:

Witam mam otoz taki problem z has mam kod ktory powinien dzialac.

	if {_gracz} has {_ilosc} of {_Item}:
		return true

		give {_gracz} {_ilosc} of {_Item}
		return false

Gdy testuje i daje mi ten sam item nie rozumiem a ilosc jest dobra :<

Jeszcze raz. W czym leży problem?

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Czy {_player} jest typu player/offlineplayer
Czy {_ilosc} jest typu integer?
Czy {_item} jest typu item (lub material)? 

Jeśli nie to musisz użyć wyrażenia "parsed as", np.

set {_player} to {_player} parsed as player


Lista typów możliwych do wpisania po wyrażeniu "parsed as": 


set {_biom} to "river" parsed as biome
set {_tak} to "true" parsed as boolean
set {_red} to "red" parsed as color
set {_from} to "attack" parsed as damage cause
set {_direction} to "north" parsed as direction
set {_ench} to "efficiency" parsed as enchantment
set {_ench5} to "protection 5" parsed as enchantment type
set {_entity} to "item frame" parsed as entity
set {_exp} to "%random integer between 1 and 5% experience" parsed as experience
set {_adv} to "adventure" parsed as gamemode
set {_item} to "%random integer between 1 and 64% torch" parsed as item #lub material
set {_num} to "%random number between 0.1 and 0.9%" parsed as number
set {_player} to "nick" parsed as offlineplayer
set {_gracz} to "nick" parsed as player #lepiej uzyc offlineplayer
set {_potion} to "slowness %{rpg::%player%.resisSlowLv}%" parsed as potion type
set {_proj} to "fireball" parsed as projectile
set {_eff} to "ender signal" parsed as particle effect
set {_pogoda} to "clear" parsed as weather


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