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Pokazuje expected 6 tabs but found 5 ,ale jest 6. O co chodzi? 

#------------------------------##|Autor: Zeluss                |#|Skype: hermeL1233            |#|Masz problem pisz na skype ;)|#------------------------------#command /kg:		trigger:				open chest with 1 rows named "&9&lTwoj ekwipunek" to player				wait 1 tick				format slot 0 of player with 32 of cookies named "&7>> &aDarmowe Ciastko &7<<" with lore "&6Kliknij &aa dostaniesz Ciastko :)" to close then run "daj %player% 1"				wait 1 tick				format slot 1 of player with 64 obsidian named "&3Diax &9za Obsydian" with lore "&6Wymiana: &a64 Obsydianu za 1 diax" to close then run "daj %player% 2"				wait 1 tick				format slot 2 of player with 1 dragon egg named "&6Najlepsze 10 gildi" to close then run "daj %player% 3"				wait 1 tick				format slot 3 of player with 1 diamond sword named "&6Najlepsze 10 graczy" to close then run "daj %player% 4"                                                                                                                                       command /daj [<player&gt] [<integer&gt]:		executable by: console		trigger:				if arg 2 is 1:					give 32 cookie to player-arg's inventory					send "&6Dostales &7Ciastka." to player-arg				if arg 2 is 2:					if player-arg has 64 obsidian:						give 1 diamond to player-arg's inventory						subtract 64 obsidian from player-arg's inventory						send "&aWymiana zostala wykonana pomyslnie :)." to player-arg # A tutaj jak ktos juz sie wymienil :)					else:						send "&cNie posiadasz 64 obsydianu." to player-arg #Tu mozesz ustawic wiadomosc jak ktos nie ma 64				if arg 2 is 3:					execute player-arg command "/rank"				if arg 2 is 4:					execute player-arg command "/ranking"
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Proszę wytabowałem :>

#------------------------------##|Autor: Zeluss                |#|Skype: hermeL1233            |#|Masz problem pisz na skype ;)|#------------------------------#command /kg:	trigger:		open chest with 1 rows named "&9&lTwoj ekwipunek" to player		wait 1 tick		format slot 0 of player with 32 of cookies named "&7>> &aDarmowe Ciastko &7<<" with lore "&6Kliknij &aa dostaniesz Ciastko :)" to close then run "daj %player% 1"		wait 1 tick		format slot 1 of player with 64 obsidian named "&3Diax &9za Obsydian" with lore "&6Wymiana: &a64 Obsydianu za 1 diax" to close then run "daj %player% 2"		wait 1 tick		format slot 2 of player with 1 dragon egg named "&6Najlepsze 10 gildi" to close then run "daj %player% 3"		wait 1 tick		format slot 3 of player with 1 diamond sword named "&6Najlepsze 10 graczy" to close then run "daj %player% 4"                                                                                                                                                command /daj [<player&gt] [<integer&gt]:	executable by: console	trigger:		if arg 2 is 1:			give 32 cookie to player-arg's inventory			send "&6Dostales &7Ciastka." to player-arg		if arg 2 is 2:			if player-arg has 64 obsidian:				give 1 diamond to player-arg's inventory				subtract 64 obsidian from player-arg's inventory				send "&aWymiana zostala wykonana pomyslnie :)." to player-arg # A tutaj jak ktos juz sie wymienil :)			else:				send "&cNie posiadasz 64 obsydianu." to player-arg #Tu mozesz ustawic wiadomosc jak ktos nie ma 64		if arg 2 is 3:			execute player-arg command "/rank"		if arg 2 is 4:			execute player-arg command "/ranking"
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Proszę wytabowałem :>

#------------------------------##|Autor: Zeluss                |#|Skype: hermeL1233            |#|Masz problem pisz na skype ;)|#------------------------------#command /kg:	trigger:		open chest with 1 rows named "&9&lTwoj ekwipunek" to player		wait 1 tick		format slot 0 of player with 32 of cookies named "&7>> &aDarmowe Ciastko &7<<" with lore "&6Kliknij &aa dostaniesz Ciastko :)" to close then run "daj %player% 1"		wait 1 tick		format slot 1 of player with 64 obsidian named "&3Diax &9za Obsydian" with lore "&6Wymiana: &a64 Obsydianu za 1 diax" to close then run "daj %player% 2"		wait 1 tick		format slot 2 of player with 1 dragon egg named "&6Najlepsze 10 gildi" to close then run "daj %player% 3"		wait 1 tick		format slot 3 of player with 1 diamond sword named "&6Najlepsze 10 graczy" to close then run "daj %player% 4"                                                                                                                                                command /daj [<player&gt] [<integer&gt]:	executable by: console	trigger:		if arg 2 is 1:			give 32 cookie to player-arg's inventory			send "&6Dostales &7Ciastka." to player-arg		if arg 2 is 2:			if player-arg has 64 obsidian:				give 1 diamond to player-arg's inventory				subtract 64 obsidian from player-arg's inventory				send "&aWymiana zostala wykonana pomyslnie :)." to player-arg # A tutaj jak ktos juz sie wymienil :)			else:				send "&cNie posiadasz 64 obsydianu." to player-arg #Tu mozesz ustawic wiadomosc jak ktos nie ma 64		if arg 2 is 3:			execute player-arg command "/rank"		if arg 2 is 4:			execute player-arg command "/ranking"

Działa gdzie był błąd?


Działa skrypt?

Ps. Jeśli tabujesz to po : dajesz +1 tab

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