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Wyłączanie czyjegoś dropu.



6 odpowiedzi na to pytanie

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Za siedmioma górami... Dalej nie pamiętam..

Był sobie Skript

A w nim był event on drop:

A po jednym tabie był sobie taki tekst cancel event.

Taki żarcik xD

Masz to jak powinno być.

on drop (nazwa gracza):    cancel event        Jezeli by nie dzialalo to zrob tak:od drop:    if player is (nazwa gracza):        cancel event
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@up Przepraszam, zapomniałem. Wiem, że słaby no ale przecież jestem januszem skryptów.

#   C O N F I G   #options:	drop.gracz: drop.gracz NA DROP#	ss: 0.05	sk: 25.00	xg: 7	xv: 10#GRACZ#	dg: 1.80	dgf: 16.00	eg: 0.60	egf: 0.80	gg: 5.20	ggf: 5.40	ig: 5.20	igf: 5.40	og: 5.50	ogf: 5.70	ag: 0.50	agf: 0.70	pg: 0.20	pgf: 0.40	tg: 0.70	tgf: 0.90	wg: 4.50	lg: 5.00	rg: 3.50#VIP#	dv: 2.00	dvf: 2.20	ev: 0.80	evf: 1.00	gv: 5.40	gvf: 5.60	iv: 5.40	ivf: 5.60	ov: 5.70	ovf: 5.90	av: 0.70	avf: 0.90	pv: 0.40	pvf: 0.60	tv: 0.90	tvf: 1.10	wv: 4.70	lv: 5.20	rv: 3.70#   Z M I E N N E   #variables:	{diament.%player%} = true	{szmaragd.%player%} = true	{zloto.%player%} = true	{zelazo.%player%} = true	{jablko.%player%} = true	{perla.%player%} = true	{obsydian.%player%} = true	{lapis.%player%} = true	{redstone.%player%} = true	{weviel.%player%} = true	{tnt.%player%} = true#   S T A R T   K O D U   ##BLOKOWANIE DROPU Z RUD#on break of any ore or emerald ore:    cancel event    delete event-block#DROP ZE STONE#on mine of stone:	chance of {@ss}%:		give 1 chest named "&7Srebrna Skrzynia" to player	if player has permission "{@drop.gracz}":		if player's tool is pickaxe of fortune 0:			if {diament.%player%} is true:				chance of {@dg}%:					give 1 diamond to player			if {szmaragd.%player%} is true:				chance of {@eg}%:					give 1 emerald to player			if {zloto.%player%} is true:				chance of {@gg}%:					give 1 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot to player			if {zelazo.%player%} is true:				chance of {@ig}%:					give 1 iron ingot or 2 iron ingot to player			if {jablko.%player%} is true:				chance of {@ag}%:					give 1 apple to player			if {perla.%player%} is true:				chance of {@pg}%:					give 1 ender pearl to player			if {obsydian.%player%} is true:				chance of {@og}%:					give 1 obsidian or 2 obsidian or 3 obsidian to player			if {lapis.%player%} is true:				chance of {@lg}%:					give 2 lapis lazuli or 3 lapis lazuli to player			if {redstone.%player%} is true:				chance of {@rg}%:					give 2 redstone or 3 redstone to player			if {wegiel.%player%} is true:				chance of {@wg}%:					give 1 coal or 2 coal or 3 coal to player			if {tnt.%player%} is true:				chance of {@tg}%:					give 1 tnt to player		if player's tool is pickaxe of fortune 0 or pickaxe of fortune 1 or pickaxe of fortune 2 or pickaxe of fortune 3:			if {diament.%player%} is true:				chance of {@dgf}%:					give 1 diamond to player			if {szmaragfd.%player%} is true:				chance of {@egf}%:					give 1 emerald to player			if {zloto.%player%} is true:				chance of {@ggf}%:					give 1 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot to player			if {zelazo.%player%} is true:				chance of {@igf}%:					give 1 iron ingot or 2 iron ingot to player			if {jablko.%player%} is true:				chance of {@agf}%:					give 1 apple to player			if {perla.%player%} is true:				chance of {@pgf}%:					give 1 ender pearl to player			if {obsydian.%player%} is true:				chance of {@ogf}%:					give 1 obsidian or 2 obsidian or 3 obsidian to player			if {tnt.%player%} is true:				chance of {@tgf}%:					give 1 tnt to player	if player has permission "{}":		if player's tool is pickaxe of fortune 0:			if {diament.%player%} is true:				chance of {@dv}%:					give 1 diamond to player			if {szmaragd.%player%} is true:				chance of {@ev}%:					give 1 emerald to player			if {zloto.%player%} is true:				chance of {@gv}%:					give 1 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot to player			if {zelazo.%player%} is true:				chance of {@iv}%:					give 1 iron ingot or 2 iron ingot to player			if {jablko.%player%} is true:				chance of {@av}%:					give 1 apple to player			if {perla.%player%} is true:				chance of {@pv}%:					give 1 ender pearl to player			if {obsydian.%player%} is true:				chance of {@ov}%:					give 1 obsidian or 2 obsidian or 3 obsidian to player			if {lapis.%player%} is true:				chance of {@lv}%:					give 2 lapis lazuli or 3 lapis lazuli to player			if {redstone.%player%} is true:				chance of {@rv}%:					give 2 redstone or 3 redstone to player			if {wegiel.%player%} is true:				chance of {@wv}%:					give 1 coal or 2 coal or 3 coal to player			if {tnt.%player%} is true:				chance of {@tv}%:					give 1 tnt to player		if player's tool is pickaxe of fortune 0 or pickaxe of fortune 1 or pickaxe of fortune 2 or pickaxe of fortune 3:			if {diament.%player%} is true:				chance of {@dvf}%:					give 1 diamond to player			if {szmaragfd.%player%} is true:				chance of {@evf}%:					give 1 emerald to player			if {zloto.%player%} is true:				chance of {@ggf}%:					give 1 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot to player			if {zelazo.%player%} is true:				chance of {@ivf}%:					give 1 iron ingot or 2 iron ingot to player			if {jablko.%player%} is true:				chance of {@avf}%:					give 1 apple to player			if {perla.%player%} is true:				chance of {@pvf}%:					give 1 ender pearl to player			if {obsydian.%player%} is true:				chance of {@ovf}%:					give 1 obsidian or 2 obsidian or 3 obsidian to player			if {tnt.%player%} is true:				chance of {@tvf}%:					give 1 tnt to player#KOMENDY#command /drop:	aliases: /stone, /kamien	trigger:command /wypadanie [<text&gt] [<player&gt]:	permission: admin.admin	trigger:		if arg 1 is "szmaragd":			if {szmaragd.%player%} is true:				set {szmaragd.%player%} to false				send "Wylaczono wypadanie"			else:				set {szmaragd.%player%} to true				send "Wlaczono wypadanie"
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