robie skrypt na skrzynki i chce zeby wylatywala tylko 1 rzecz ktos mi powie jak to zrobic?
bo jak jest:
on place:
if name of player's tool is "&aPakiet Wielkanocny":
chance of 50%:
set block to air
give player 1 elytra named "&aElytra Wielkanocna"
remove 1 chest named "&aPakiet Wielkanocny" from player's inventory
chance of 50%:
set block to air
give player 1 totem of undying named "&aTotem Wielkanocny"
remove 1 chest named "&aPakiet Wielkanocny" from player's inventory
IgorM2008 10
robie skrypt na skrzynki i chce zeby wylatywala tylko 1 rzecz ktos mi powie jak to zrobic?
bo jak jest:
on place: if name of player's tool is "&aPakiet Wielkanocny": chance of 50%: set block to air give player 1 elytra named "&aElytra Wielkanocna" remove 1 chest named "&aPakiet Wielkanocny" from player's inventory chance of 50%: set block to air give player 1 totem of undying named "&aTotem Wielkanocny" remove 1 chest named "&aPakiet Wielkanocny" from player's inventory
to moga wyleciec 2 rzczy
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