command /cps [<text>]:
send "&6Test Rozpocznie sie za : &c3 i bedzie trwal 10sekund"
wait 1 second
send "&c2"
wait 1 second
send "&c1"
wait 1 second
send "&a&lSTART"
set {test.%player%} to true
wait 10 seconds
set {_w.%player%} to {wynik.%player%}/10
open chest with 1 row named "&6&lCPS TEST" to player
format slot 4 of player with compass "&cTwoje klikniecia:" with lore "&6Twoje CPS'y: &f{_w.%player%}" to be unstealable
clear {test.%player%}
clear {wynik.%player%}
on click:
if {test.%player%} is set:
add 1 to {wynik.%player%}
xMuffionex 105
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