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Problem ze skryptem.



Hej. Kilka dni temu zaczęłam pisać skrypt na drop (chcę razem z kolegą zrobić serwer na najnowszej wersji). Lecz, niestety nie wiem co zrobiłam źle, że wyłączanie/włączanie dropu danego surowca nie działa. Jak widać, dziewczyny też mogą pisać skrypty :P Ps. Jest to tylko część skryptu, w której jest coś źle zrobione. Chodzi mi oto, aby po kliknieciu na dany surowiec drop wyłączałby się lub włączał.  Liczę, na pomoc osób bardziej doświadczonych <3

command /rundropcmd [<player>] [<text>]:
	permission: run.command
		if arg 1 is set:
			if arg 2 is set:
				run arg 1 command "drop" as op
				run arg 1 command "%arg 2%" as op
command /drop [<text>]:
        wait 3 tick
        open chest with 6 rows named "&8※ &eDROP QCRAFT.PL &8※" to player
        wait 3 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 7 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 8 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 9 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 19 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 17 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 18 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 22 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 25 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 26 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 27 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 28 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 29 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 30 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 31 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 32 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 33 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 34 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 35 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 36 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 41 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 42 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 44 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 45 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 46 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 47 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 48 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 49 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 50 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 51 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 52 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 53 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 38 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        format slot 39 of player with 1 of black glass named "&4&l" to be unstealable
        if {Diament::Drop::%player%} is true:
            format slot 10 of player with 1 of diamond named "&b&lBLOK DIAMENT'U" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 1%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &ATAK" to run "rundropcmd %player% /diament"
            format slot 10 of player with 1 of diamond named "&b&lBLOK DIAMENT'U" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 1%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &4&lNIE" to run "rundropcmd %player% /diament"
        if {Szmaragd::Drop::%player%} is true:
            format slot 11 of player with 1 of emerald named "&A&lBLOK SZMARAGD'U" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 1%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &ATAK" to run "rundropcmd %player% /szmaragd"
            format slot 11 of player with 1 of emerald named "&A&lBLOK SZMARAGD'U" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 1%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &4&lNIE" to run "rundropcmd %player% /szmaragd"
        if {Zloto::Drop::%player%} is true:
            format slot 12 of player with 1 of golden ingot named "&6&lBLOCK ZLOTA" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 0.5%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &ATAK" to run "rundropcmd %player% /zloto"
            format slot 12 of player with 1 of golden ingot named "&6&lBLOK ZLOTA" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 0.5%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &4&lNIE" to run "rundropcmd %player% /zloto"
        if {Zelazo::Drop::%player%} is true:
            format slot 13 of player with 1 of iron ingot named "&7&lBLOCK ZELAZA" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 5%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &ATAK" to run "rundropcmd %player% /zelazo"
            format slot 13 of player with 1 of iron ingot named "&7&lBLOK ZELAZA" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 4%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &4&lNIE" to run "rundropcmd %player% /zelazo"
        if {Wegiel::Drop::%player%} is true:
            format slot 14 of player with 1 of charcoal named "&8&lWEGIEL" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 4%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &ATAK" to run "rundropcmd %player% /wegiel"
            format slot 14 of player with 1 of charcoal named "&8&lWEGIEL" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 4%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &4&lNIE" to run "rundropcmd %player% /wegiel"
        if {redstone::Drop::%player%} is true:
            format slot 15 of player with 1 of redstone named "&C&lBLOK REDSTONE'A" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 3%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &ATAK" to run "rundropcmd %player% /redstone"
            format slot 15 of player with 1 of redstone named "&C&lBLOK REDSTONE'A" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 3%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &4&lNIE" to run "rundropcmd %player% /redstone"
        if {TnT::Drop::%player%} is true:
            format slot 16 of player with 1 of TnT named "&c&lTNT" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8: 1.5%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8: &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8: &ATAK" to run "rundropcmd %player% /TnT2"
            format slot 16 of player with 1 of TnT named "&c&lTNT" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8: 1.5%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8: &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8: &4&lNIE" to run "rundropcmd %player% /TnT2"
        if {Obsidian::Drop::%player%} is true:
            format slot 20 of player with 1 of Obsidian named "&5&lOBSIDIAN" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 1%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &ATAK" to run "rundropcmd %player% /Obsidian"
            format slot 20 of player with 1 of Obsidian named "&5&lOBSIDIAN" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 1%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &4&lNIE" to run "rundropcmd %player% /Obsidian"
        if {Biblioteczka::Drop::%player%} is true:
            format slot 21 of player with 1 of bookshelf named "&6&lBIBLIOTECZKA" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 0.5%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &ATAK" to run "rundropcmd %player% /Biblioteczka"
            format slot 21 of player with 1 of bookshelf named "&6&lBIBLIOTECZKA" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 0.5%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &4&lNIE" to run "rundropcmd %player% /Biblioteczka"
        if {Jabko::Drop::%player%} is true:
            format slot 23 of player with 1 of apple named "&4&lJABLKO" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 1%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &ATAK" to run "rundropcmd %player% /Jabko"
            format slot 23 of player with 1 of apple named "&4&lJABLKO" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 1%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &ATAK||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &4&lNIE" to run "rundropcmd %player% /Jabko"
        if {Perla::Drop::%player%} is true:
            format slot 24 of player with 1 of ender pearl named "&5&lPERLA" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 0.2%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &4&lNIE||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &ATAK" to run "rundropcmd %player% /Perla"
            format slot 24 of player with 1 of ender pearl named "&5&lPERLA" with lore "  &8> &4Szansa&8:&3 0.2%%||  &8> &4Fortuna&8:&3 &4&lNIE||  &8> &4Aktywny&8:&3 &4&lNIE" to run "rundropcmd %player% /Perla"
        format slot 37 of player with 1 of stone named "&eWykopany Kamien" with lore "  &8※ &eIlosc&8: &e%{Ilosc::%player%}%" to run "rundropcmd %player% /drop"
        if {Turbo::Drop::%player%} is set:
            format slot 40 of player with 1 of diamond pickaxe named "&eTURBO DROP" with lore "  &8※ &eAktywny&8: &eWlaczony" to run "rundropcmd %player% /drop"
            format slot 40 of player with 1 of diamond pickaxe named "&eTURBO DROP" with lore "  &8※ &eAktywny&8: &cWylaczony" to run "rundropcmd %player% /drop"
        if {Tryb::CB::%player%} is true:
            format slot 43 of player with 1 of cobblestone named "&eCOBBLESTONE" with lore "  &8※ &eAktywny&8: &eWlaczony" to run "rundropcmd %player% /cobble"
            format slot 43 of player with 1 of cobblestone named "&eCOBBLESTONE" with lore "  &8※ &eAktywny&8: &cWylaczony" to run "rundropcmd %player% /cobble"
command /turbodrop [<player>]:
    permission message: &8 > &8Nie masz uprawnien do tej komedy!
    permission: turbodrop.wlacz
        if arg 1 is set:
            set {Turbo::Drop::%player%} to "on"
            send "&6TurboDrop &ezostal &6AKTYWOWANY&e!" to player
            broadcast "&6%player% &eZakupil Sobie &6TurboDropa &ena &615 Min"
            wait 900 second
            send "&6TurboDrop &8| &eDobiegl konca!" to player
            delete {Turbo::Drop::player}
on Load:
    loop all players:
        delete {Turbo::Drop::%%loop-player%%}
command /diament [<text>]:
    permission message: &8 > &8Nieznana komeda!
    permission: drop.*
        if {Diament::Drop::%player%} is true:
            set {Diament::Drop::%player%} to false
            set {Diament::Drop::%player%} to true
command /Tnt2 [<text>]:
    permission message: &8 » &8Nieznana komeda!
    permission: drop.*
        if {TnT::Drop::%player%} is true:
            set {TnT::Drop::%player%} to false
            set {TnT::Drop::%player%} to true
command /Szmaragd [<text>]:
    permission message: &8 > &8Nieznana komeda!
    permission: drop.*
        if {Szmaragd::Drop::%player%} is true:
            set {Szmaragd::Drop::%player%} to false
            set {Szmaragd::Drop::%player%} to true
command /Biblioteczka [<text>]:
    permission message: &8 > &8Nieznana komeda!
    permission: drop.*
        if {Biblioteczka::Drop::%player%} is true:
            set {Biblioteczka::Drop::%player%} to false
            set {Biblioteczka::Drop::%player%} to true
command /Zloto [<text>]:
    permission message: &8 > &8Nieznana komeda!
    permission: drop.*
        if {Zloto::Drop::%player%} is true:
            set {Zloto::Drop::%player%} to false
            set {Zloto::Drop::%player%} to true
command /Zelazo [<text>]:
    permission message: &8 > &8Nieznana komeda!
    permission: drop.*
        if {Zelazo::Drop::%player%} is true:
            set {Zelazo::Drop::%player%} to false
            set {Zelazo::Drop::%player%} to true
command /Wegiel [<text>]:
    permission message: &8 > &8Nieznana komeda!
    permission: drop.*
        if {Wegiel::Drop::%player%} is true:
            set {Wegiel::Drop::%player%} to false
            set {Wegiel::Drop::%player%} to true
command /redstone [<text>]:
    permission message: &8 > &8Nieznana komeda!
    permission: drop.*
        if {redstone::Drop::%player%} is true:
            set {redstone::Drop::%player%} to false
            set {redstone::Drop::%player%} to true
command /Lapis [<text>]:
    permission message: &8 > &8Nieznana komeda!
    permission: drop.*
        if {Lapis::Drop::%player%} is true:
            set {Lapis::Drop::%player%} to false
            set {Lapis::Drop::%player%} to true
command /Obsidian [<text>]:
    permission message: &8 > &8Nieznana komeda!
    permission: drop.*
        if {Obsidian::Drop::%player%} is true:
            set {Obsidian::Drop::%player%} to false
            set {Obsidian::Drop::%player%} to true
command /Kosc [<text>]:
    permission message: &8 > &8Nieznana komeda!
    permission: drop.*
        if {Kosc::Drop::%player%} is true:
            set {Kosc::Drop::%player%} to false
            set {Kosc::Drop::%player%} to true
command /Strzala [<text>]:
    permission message: &8 > &8Nieznana komeda!
    permission: drop.*
        if {Strzala::Drop::%player%} is true:
            set {Strzala::Drop::%player%} to false
            set {Strzala::Drop::%player%} to true
command /Nic [<text>]:
    permission message: &8 > &8Nieznana komeda!
    permission: drop.*
        if {Nic::Drop::%player%} is true:
            set {Nic::Drop::%player%} to false
            set {Nic::Drop::%player%} to true
command /Jabko [<text>]:
    permission message: &8 > &8Nieznana komeda!
    permission: drop.*
        if {Jabko::Drop::%player%} is true:
            set {Jabko::Drop::%player%} to false
            set {Jabko::Drop::%player%} to true
command /Perla [<text>]:
    permission message: &8 > &8Nieznana komeda!
    permission: drop.*
        if {Perla::Drop::%player%} is true:
            set {Perla::Drop::%player%} to false
            set {Perla::Drop::%player%} to true
on join:
    set {Tryb::CB::%player%} to true
    set {Perla::Drop::%player%} to true
    set {Nic::Drop::%player%} to true
    set {Kosc::Drop::%player%} to true
    set {Obsidian::Drop::%player%} to true
    set {TnT::Drop::%player%} to true
    set {Lapis::Drop::%player%} to true
    set {redstone::Drop::%player%} to true
    set {Strzala::Drop::%player%} to true
    set {Wegiel::Drop::%player%} to true
    set {Zloto::Drop::%player%} to true
    set {Jabko::Drop::%player%} to true
    set {Zelazo::Drop::%player%} to true
    set {Szmaragd::Drop::%player%} to true
    set {Diament::Drop::%player%} to true
    set {Biblioteczka::Drop::%player%} to true
on chat:
    if {Ilosc::%player%} is bigger than 199:
        cancel event
        send "&eAby pisac na chacie musisz przekopac &6200 &ekamienia! [%{Ilosc::%player%}%/200]"
on join:
    if {Ilosc::%player%} is not set:
    	set {Ilosc::%player%} to 0


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zrob to na takiej podstawie, bo nie chce mi sie analizowac calego skryptu:

command /drop:
		open chest with 1 row named "DROP"
		wait 1 tick
		format slot 0 with cos named "cos tam" to run command [costam %player%]
command costam:
		if {costam::%player%} is true:
			set {costam::%player%} to false
			send "&aWlaczylas drop czegos tam!"
			set {costam::%player%} to true
			send "&cWylaczylas drop czegos tam!"

Tylko wiesz, dorób inne rzeczy, bo ty robilas cos z tym rundropcmd nie wiem co to jest, ale  jesli to costam %player% nie dziala to zrob przed tym execute player command 

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