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Problem z teleportowaniem .



Witajcie , ostatnio pisząc skrypt napotkałem pewien problem. Na poczatek teleportuje 1 gracza potem 2 itd.

Jak temu zapobiec aby wszystkich teleportowało równocześnie? Pozdrawiam

every 1 seconds:        loop {fb.arenalist::*}:                if size of {fb-players.%loop-value%::*} is 2:                           loop all players:                                if {} is set:                                        set {_arena} to {}                                        if {odliczanie.%{_arena}%} is not set:                                                set {odliczanie.%{_arena}%} to false                                        if {odliczanie.%{_arena}%} is false:                                                set {odliczanie.%{_arena}%} to true                                        if {team.%loop-player%} is not set:                                                set {_x} to size of {team-a.%{_arena}%::*}                                                set {_y} to size of {team-b.%{_arena}%::*}                                                if {_y} = {_x}:                                                        if {team.%loop-player%} is not set:                                                                add loop-player to {team-a.%{_arena}%::*}                                                                set {team.%loop-player%} to "a"                                                                set {a.%loop-player%} to true                                                if {_y} > {_x}:                                                        if {_x} < 13:                                                                if {team.%loop-player%} is not set:                                                                        add loop-player to {team-a.%{_arena}%::*}                                                                        set {team.%loop-player%} to "a"                                                                        set {a.%loop-player%} to true                                                if {_y} < {_x}:                                                        if {_y} < 13:                                                                if {team.%loop-player%} is not set:                                                                        add loop-player to {team-b.%{_arena}%::*}                                                                        set {team.%loop-player%} to "b"                                                                        set {b.%loop-player%} to true                                                if {} is not set:                                                        send "{@tag} &7Rozgrywka rozpocznie się za &c30 &7sekund!" to loop-player                                                        wait 25 seconds                                                        send "{@tag} &7Rozgrywka rozpocznie sie za &c5 &7sekund!" to loop-player                                                        set the loop-player's level to 5                                                        execute console command "/playsound random.orb %loop-player%"                                                        wait a second                                                        send "{@tag} &7Rozgrywka rozpocznie sie za &c4 &7sekund!" to loop-player                                                        set the loop-player's level to 4                                                        execute console command "/playsound random.orb %loop-player%"                                                        wait a second                                                        send "{@tag} &7Rozgrywka rozpocznie sie za &c3 &7sekund!" to loop-player                                                        set the loop-player's level to 3                                                        execute console command "/playsound random.orb %loop-player%"                                                        wait a second                                                        send "{@tag} &7Rozgrywka rozpocznie sie za &c2 &7sekund!" to loop-player                                                        set the loop-player's level to 2                                                        execute console command "/playsound random.orb %loop-player%"                                                        wait a second                                                        send "{@tag} &7Rozgrywka rozpocznie sie za &c1 &7sekund!" to loop-player                                                        set the loop-player's level to 1                                                        execute console command "/playsound random.levelup %loop-player%"                                                        wait a second                                                        teleport loop-player to {{team.%loop-player%}%.%{_arena}%}                                                        set the loop-player's level to 0                                                        set {odliczanie.%{_arena}%} to false                                                        set {czas.%{_arena}%} to 30
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every 1 seconds:	    loop {fb.arenalist::*}:				if size of {fb-players.%loop-value%::*} is 2:   						loop all players:								if {} is set:										set {_arena} to {}										if {odliczanie.%{_arena}%} is not set:												set {odliczanie.%{_arena}%} to false										if {odliczanie.%{_arena}%} is false:												set {odliczanie.%{_arena}%} to true										if {team.%loop-player%} is not set:												set {_x} to size of {team-a.%{_arena}%::*}												set {_y} to size of {team-b.%{_arena}%::*}												if {_y} = {_x}:														if {team.%loop-player%} is not set:																add loop-player to {team-a.%{_arena}%::*}																set {team.%loop-player%} to "a"																set {a.%loop-player%} to true												if {_y} > {_x}:														if {_x} < 13:																if {team.%loop-player%} is not set:																		add loop-player to {team-a.%{_arena}%::*}																		set {team.%loop-player%} to "a"																		set {a.%loop-player%} to true												if {_y} < {_x}:														if {_y} < 13:																if {team.%loop-player%} is not set:																		add loop-player to {team-b.%{_arena}%::*}																		set {team.%loop-player%} to "b"																		set {b.%loop-player%} to true												if {} is not set:														send "{@tag} &7Rozgrywka rozpocznie si� za &c30 &7sekund!" to loop-player														wait 25 seconds														send "{@tag} &7Rozgrywka rozpocznie sie za &c5 &7sekund!" to loop-player														set the loop-player's level to 5														execute console command "/playsound random.orb %loop-player%"														wait a second														send "{@tag} &7Rozgrywka rozpocznie sie za &c4 &7sekund!" to loop-player														set the loop-player's level to 4														execute console command "/playsound random.orb %loop-player%"														wait a second														send "{@tag} &7Rozgrywka rozpocznie sie za &c3 &7sekund!" to loop-player														set the loop-player's level to 3														execute console command "/playsound random.orb %loop-player%"														wait a second														send "{@tag} &7Rozgrywka rozpocznie sie za &c2 &7sekund!" to loop-player														set the loop-player's level to 2														execute console command "/playsound random.orb %loop-player%"														wait a second														send "{@tag} &7Rozgrywka rozpocznie sie za &c1 &7sekund!" to loop-player														set the loop-player's level to 1														execute console command "/playsound random.levelup %loop-player%"														wait a second														teleport loop-players to {{team.%loop-player%}%.%{_arena}%}														set the loop-player's level to 0														set {odliczanie.%{_arena}%} to false														set {czas.%{_arena}%} to 30

Spróbuj to. Jak zadziała daj like'a ;d.

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Dalej to samo , to nic nie pomaga . Pirat napisał mi tylko to:



ponieważ zapętlasz tam wszystkich graczy i dla każdego wykonujesz po kolei ten kod łącznie z odczekaniem 1 sekundę, więc:

pierwsze zapętlenie
   przerwa 1 sek
drugie zapętlenie:
   przerwa 1 sek



Ale dalej nie wiem jak temu zapobiec :(

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