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Stworzenie bossa.





- Po wpisaniu komendy /boss w miejscu gracza pojawia się golem,

- Ma on 500 hp,

- Nazywa się "&e&lPotepiony",

- Tworzy się boss bar o nazwie "&c&oZycie potepionego" który przedstawia jego HP,

- Ma różne moce takie jak pioruny, podpalenie, oślepienie, otrucie,

- Drop z niego to 2 diamenty.


Będę bardzo wdzięczny za napisanie skryptu.


[Wszystko co wyżej wymienione jest banalne. Mam tylko problem z boss barem. Ale i tak proszę o skrypt ]

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Aby zrobić bossbara instalujemy pluginy BarApi i BossBarSk.


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command /boss:    trigger:        spawn iron golem named "&e&lPotepiony" at location of player        set max health of spawned entity to 500        create bar with "&c&lZycie Potepionego" and 100 to all playerson damage of iron golem:    name of victim is "&e&lPotepiony":        set {hp.%victim%} to health of victim        set {hp.procent.%victim%} to {hp.%victim%}/5        create bar with "&c&lZycie Potepionego" and {hp.procent.%victim%} to all playerson death of iron golem:    name of victim is "&e&lPotepiony":        clear boss bar of all players        clear drops        drop 2 diamonds at victim
Podpalenie oślepienie, otrucie skopiuj z mojego skryptu z giantem, który robiłem dla ciebie :P
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command /boss:	trigger:		if player have permissions "boss.spawn.iron golem":			spawn iron golem at location of player			set {_mob} to last spawned entity			set the last spawned entity's max health to  500			heal last spawned entity			set the spawned iron golem's display name to "&e&lPotepiony %spawned iron golem's health%/%max health of last spawned entity%"			set {hp.%{_mob}%} to max health of last spawned entity			create bar with "&c&lZycie Potepionego" and {hp.%{_mob}%} to all players		else:			send "Nie masz praw"#on damage of iron golem:	if name of victim contains "&e&lPotepiony":		set the victim's display name to "&e&lPotepiony %victim's health%/%max health of victim%"		set {hp.%victim%} to health of victim		create bar with "&c&lZycie Potepionego" and {hp.%victim%} to all players		if attacker is player:			chance of 10%:				apply potion of poison 3 to attacker for 10 seconds			chance of 10%:				execute console command "thor %attacker%"			chance of 10%:				execute console command "burn %attacker% 10"			chance of 10%:				apply potion of blindness 3 to attacker for 10 seconds#on death of iron golem:	if name of victim contains "&e&lPotepiony":		clear drops		drop 2 diamonds at victim		clear boss bar of all players

Ja dodałem all ;)

Edytowane przez Slupik98
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