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SzymnYo ~ KoYGeR


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on rightclick with chest:if name of player's tool is "&6Skrzynka &bdiamentow":cancel eventremove 1 chest named "&6Skrzynka &bdiamentow" from playerset {_diax} to a random integer between 3 and 8give {_diax} diamond to playermessage "&aGratulacje! &3Otrzymales {_diax} diamenty/ow!"if name of player's tool is "&6Skrzynka zlota":cancel eventremove 1 chest named "&6Skrzynka zlota" from playerset {_gold} to a random integer between 3 and 10give {_gold} gold to playermessage "&aGratulacje! &3Otrzymales {_gold} sztabek zlota"if name of player's tool is "&6Skrzynka &aszmaragdow":cancel eventremove 1 chest named "&6Skrzynka &aszmaragdow" from playerset {_emerald} to a random integer between 3 and 6give {_emerald} emerald to playermessage "&aGratulacje! &3Otrzymales {_emerald} szmaragdy!"if name of player's tool is "&6Skrzynka <grey>zelaza":cancel eventremove 1 chest named "&6Skrzynka <grey>zelaza" from playerset {_iron} to a random integer between 4 and 10give {_iron} iron to playermessage "&aGratulacje! &3Otrzymales {_iron} zelaza!"if name of player's tool is "&6Skrzynka &0wegla":cancel eventremove 1 chest named "&6Skrzynka &0wegla" from playerset {_coal} to a random integer between 4 and 11give {_coal} coal to playermessage "&aGratulacje! &3Otrzymales {_coal} wegla!"if name of player's tool is "&6Skrzynka &9lapisu":cancel eventremove 1 chest named "&6Skrzynka &9lapisu" from playerset {_lapis} to a random integer between 10 and 20give {_lapis} lapis lazuli to playermessage "&aGratulacje! &3Otrzymales {_lapis} lapisu!"if name of player's tool is "&6Skrzynka &4redsrone":cancel eventremove 1 chest named "&6Skrzynka &4redstone" from playerset {_redstone} to a random integer between 10 and 20give {_redstone} redstone to playermessage "&aGratulacje! &3Otrzymales {_redstone} redstone!"
Edytowane przez SzymnYo
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on rightclick with chest:    name of player's tool is "&6Skrzynka &bdiamentow":        cancel event        remove 1 chest named "&6Skrzynka &bdiamentow" from player        set {_diax} to a random integer between 3 and 8        give {_diax} parsed as integer diamond to player        message "&aGratulacje! &3Otrzymales {_diax} diamenty/ow!"    name of player's tool is "&6Skrzynka zlota":        cancel event        remove 1 chest named "&6Skrzynka zlota" from player        set {_gold} to a random integer between 3 and 10        give {_gold} parsed as integer gold to player        message "&aGratulacje! &3Otrzymales {_gold} sztabek zlota"    name of player's tool is "&6Skrzynka &aszmaragdow":        cancel event        remove 1 chest named "&6Skrzynka &aszmaragdow" from player        set {_emerald} to a random integer between 3 and 6        give {_emerald} parsed as integer emerald to player        message "&aGratulacje! &3Otrzymales {_emerald} szmaragdy!"    name of player's tool is "&6Skrzynka <grey>zelaza":        cancel event        remove 1 chest named "&6Skrzynka <grey>zelaza" from player        set {_iron} to a random integer between 4 and 10        give {_iron} parsed as integer iron to player        message "&aGratulacje! &3Otrzymales {_iron} zelaza!"    name of player's tool is "&6Skrzynka &0wegla":        cancel event        remove 1 chest named "&6Skrzynka &0wegla" from player        set {_coal} to a random integer between 4 and 11        give {_coal} parsed as integer coal to player        message "&aGratulacje! &3Otrzymales {_coal} wegla!"    name of player's tool is "&6Skrzynka &9lapisu":        cancel event        remove 1 chest named "&6Skrzynka &9lapisu" from player        set {_lapis} to a random integer between 10 and 20        give {_lapis} parsed as integer lapis lazuli to player        message "&aGratulacje! &3Otrzymales {_lapis} lapisu!"    name of player's tool is "&6Skrzynka &4redsrone":        cancel event        remove 1 chest named "&6Skrzynka &4redstone" from player        set {_redstone} to a random integer between 10 and 20        give {_redstone} parsed as integer redstone to player        message "&aGratulacje! &3Otrzymales {_redstone} redstone!"

Jak dla mnie nie ma w tym błędu... 

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