command /bangui [<offlineplayer>]:
permission: op
set {_p} to "%arg-1%"
set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 3 row named "&cBan GUI"
set slot 10 of {_gui} to a book of infinity 10 named "&cCheaty"
set slot 26 of {_gui} to arg 1's skull named "&cGracz ktorego chcesz zbanowac:" with lore "&e&l%arg-1%"
open {_gui} to player
on inventory click:
if name of player's current inventory is "&cBan GUI":
if index of event-slot = 10:
cancel event
ban {_p} due to "&cCheatowanie | 2 Dni" for 2 days
if index of event-slot = 22:
cancel event
close player's inventory
Jestem nowy jesli chodzi o Skript, moze ktos pomoc? Probowalem zrobic gui na bana
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