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Z skryptem AFK!




on skript load:	wait 2 seconds	send "&9>> &axG_Afk &8- &7zostal uruchomiony!" to the consolecommand /afk [<text&gt]:	permission: afk.text	trigger:		set {afk.%player%} to location of player		arg is set:			send "&3%player% &eJest teraz AFK &6[&8%arg 1%&6]&e." to all players			stop		send "&3%player% &eJest teraz AFK &6[&8Brak powodu!&6]&e." to all playersevery second:	{afk.%player%} is set	{afk.%player%} is not location of player	delete {afk.%player%}	send "&3%player% &eNie jest juz AFK." to all players
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Może to zadziała?

variables: = falseon skript load:    wait 2 seconds    send "&9>> &axG_Afk &8- &7zostal uruchomiony!" to the consolecommand /afk [<text&gt]:    permission: afk.text    trigger:        set {afk.%player%} to location of player        set {} to true        if text-arg is set:            broadcast "&3%player% &eJest teraz AFK &6[&8%text-arg%&6]&e."        else:            broadcast "&3%player% &eJest teraz AFK &6[&8Brak powodu!&6]&e."every 1 seconds:    loop all players:        {} is true        {afk.%loop-player%} isn't location of loop-player        broadcast "&3%player% &eNie jest juz AFK."        set {} to false

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Pisałem na szybko i przeoczyłem jeden błąd.

To tutaj powinno działać

variables: = falseon skript load:    wait 2 seconds    send "&9>> &axG_Afk &8- &7zostal uruchomiony!" to the consolecommand /afk [<text&gt]:    permission: afk.text    trigger:        set {afk.%player%} to location of player        set {} to true        if text-arg is set:            broadcast "&3%player% &eJest teraz AFK &6[&8%text-arg%&6]&e."        else:            broadcast "&3%player% &eJest teraz AFK &6[&8Brak powodu!&6]&e."every 1 seconds:    loop all players:        {} is true        {afk.%loop-player%} isn't location of loop-player        broadcast "&3%loop-player% &eNie jest juz AFK."        set {} to false

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