on skript load: wait 2 seconds send "&9>> &axG_Afk &8- &7zostal uruchomiony!" to the consolecommand /afk [<text>]: permission: afk.text trigger: set {afk.%player%} to location of player arg is set: send "&3%player% &eJest teraz AFK &6[&8%arg 1%&6]&e." to all players stop send "&3%player% &eJest teraz AFK &6[&8Brak powodu!&6]&e." to all playersevery second: {afk.%player%} is set {afk.%player%} is not location of player delete {afk.%player%} send "&3%player% &eNie jest juz AFK." to all players
Arek24g 14
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