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XDDD kolejny leniuszek 🤣

a tak serio, to @Scobyi masz tutaj skrypt na vouchery, ale nie jest w 100% mój, ja tam dodałem tylko parę linijek.
rangi są pod mój serwerek, ale ty sobie po prostu tam zmienisz ;)

        vip-name: "&b&lVoucher na range &6&lVIP"
        lore: "&7Kliknij &c&lPPM&7, aby użyć!"
        svip-name: "&b&lVoucher na range &e&lS&6&lVIP"
        gamemode-name: "&b&lVoucher na range &c&lG&6&lA&e&lM&a&lE&2&lM&b&lO&3&lD&e&lE"
        vip1tyg-name: "&b&lVoucher na range &6&lVIP&b&l na 1 tydzień"
        svip1tyg-name: "&b&lVoucher na range &e&lS&6&lVIP&b&l na 1 tydzień"
        gamemode1tyg-name: "&b&lVoucher na range &c&lG&6&lA&e&lM&a&lE&2&lM&b&lO&3&lD&e&lE&b&l na 1 tydzień"
command /voucher [<text>]:
    permission message: "&d&l❤ &c&l&oOhO może jeszcze frytki do tego! &d&l❤"
    aliases: vou, vouch, vouchery
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 1 is "vip":
                give 1 of book named {@vip-name} with lore {@lore} to the player
            if arg 1 is "svip":
                give 1 of book named {@svip-name} with lore {@lore} to the player
            if arg 1 is "gamemode":
                give 1 of book named {@gamemode-name} with lore {@lore} to the player
            if arg 1 is "vip1tyg":
                give 1 of book named {@vip1tyg-name} with lore {@lore} to the player
            if arg 1 is "svip1tyg":
                give 1 of book named {@svip1tyg-name} with lore {@lore} to the player
            if arg 1 is "gamemode1tyg":
                give 1 of book named {@gamemode1tyg-name} with lore {@lore} to the player
        if arg 1 is not set:
            open chest with 3 rows named "&c&kI &b&lVouchery &c&kI" to player
            set player's current inventory's slot 0 to book named {@vip-name} with lore {@lore}
            set player's current inventory's slot 1 to book named {@svip-name} with lore {@lore}
            set player's current inventory's slot 2 to book named {@gamemode-name} with lore {@lore}
            set player's current inventory's slot 3 to book named {@vip1tyg-name} with lore {@lore}
            set player's current inventory's slot 4 to book named {@svip1tyg-name} with lore {@lore}
            set player's current inventory's slot 5 to book named {@gamemode1tyg-name} with lore {@lore}
on rightclick with book:
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lVoucher na range &6&lVIP":
        remove 1 book named "&b&lVoucher na range &6&lVIP" with lore "&7Kliknij &c&lPPM&7, aby użyć!" from player's inventory
        broadcast "&8» &aGracz &b%player% &awykorzystał Voucher na range &6VIP&a!  &6&lKup rangę na stronie &e&o&"
        execute console command "lp user %player% parent add vip"   
on rightclick with book:
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lVoucher na range &e&lS&6&lVIP":
        remove 1 book named "&b&lVoucher na range &e&lS&6&lVIP" with lore "&7Kliknij &c&lPPM&7, aby użyć!" from player's inventory
        broadcast "&8» &aGracz &b%player% &awykorzystał Voucher na range &e&lS&6VIP&a!  &6&lKup rangę na stronie &e&o&"
        execute console command "lp user %player% parent add svip" 
on rightclick with book:
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lVoucher na range &c&lG&6&lA&e&lM&a&lE&2&lM&b&lO&3&lD&e&lE":
        remove 1 book named "&b&lVoucher na range &c&lG&6&lA&e&lM&a&lE&2&lM&b&lO&3&lD&e&lE" with lore "&7Kliknij &c&lPPM&7, aby użyć!" from player's inventory
        broadcast "&8» &aGracz &b%player% &awykorzystał Voucher na range &c&lG&6&lA&e&lM&a&lE&2&lM&b&lO&3&lD&e&lE&a!  &6&lKup rangę na stronie &e&o&"
        execute console command "lp user %player% parent add gamemode" 
on rightclick with book:
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lVoucher na range &6&lVIP&b&l na 1 tydzień":
        remove 1 book named "&b&lVoucher na range &6&lVIP&b&l na 1 tydzień" with lore "&7Kliknij &c&lPPM&7, aby użyć!" from player's inventory
        broadcast "&8» &aGracz &7%player% &awykorzystał Voucher na range &6&lVIP &ana 1 tydzień!  &6&lKup rangę na stronie &e&o&"
        execute console command "lp user %player% parent addtemp vip 7d" 
on rightclick with book:
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lVoucher na range &e&lS&6&lVIP&b&l na 1 tydzień":
        remove 1 book named "&b&lVoucher na range &e&lS&6&lVIP&b&l na 1 tydzień" with lore "&7Kliknij &c&lPPM&7, aby użyć!" from player's inventory
        broadcast "&8» &aGracz &7%player% &awykorzystał Voucher na range &e&lS&6&lVIP &ana 1 tydzień!  &6&lKup rangę na stronie &e&o&"
        execute console command "lp user %player% parent addtemp svip 7d" 
on rightclick with book:
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lVoucher na range &c&lG&6&lA&e&lM&a&lE&2&lM&b&lO&3&lD&e&lE&b&l na 1 tydzień":
        remove 1 book named "&b&lVoucher na range &c&lG&6&lA&e&lM&a&lE&2&lM&b&lO&3&lD&e&lE&b&l na 1 tydzień" with lore "&7Kliknij &c&lPPM&7, aby użyć!" from player's inventory
        broadcast "&8» &aGracz &7%player% &awykorzystał Voucher na range &c&lG&6&lA&e&lM&a&lE&2&lM&b&lO&3&lD&e&lE&a na 1 tydzień!  &6&lKup rangę na stronie &e&o&"
        execute console command "lp user %player% parent addtemp gamemode 7d" 


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