Siemka, ogólnie posiadam skrypt na schowek i czy dało by rade zresetować każdemu graczowi ten schowek? To znaczy zeby kazdemu zresetowac ilosc koxow ktore posiada refow itd
# Maksymalne ilości koxów, refilli oraz pereł endu
koxy-max: 2
refy-max: 10
perly-max: 4
# Nazwa schowka
depozyt-nazwa: &a&lSchowek
function reloadSchowekGUI(p: player):
set slot 1 of {_p}'s current inventory to enchanted golden apple named "&c&lKOXY" with lore "&aKliknij i wyplac koxy z depozytu!" and "" and "&bPosiadasz: &e%{schowek::koxy::%{_p}%}%" and "" and "&7Kliknij &aLPM&7, aby wyplacic!"
set slot 3 of {_p}'s current inventory to golden apple named "&c&lREFY" with lore "&aKliknij i wyplac refy z depozytu!" and "" and "&bPosiadasz: &e%{schowek::refille::%{_p}%}%" and "" and "&7Kliknij &aLPM&7, aby wyplacic!"
set slot 5 of {_p}'s current inventory to ender pearl named "&c&lPERLY" with lore "&aKliknij i wyplac perly z depozytu!" and "" and "&bPosiadasz: &e%{schowek::perly::%{_p}%}%" and "" and "&7Kliknij &aLPM&7, aby wyplacic!"
set slot 7 of {_p}'s current inventory to magma cream named "&aWypłać wszystko do limitu!" with lore "&7Kliknij &aLPM&7, aby wyplacic!"
function getKoxSchowek(p: player) :: boolean:
if {_p} has {@koxy-max} enchanted golden apple:
send "&cJuz masz &a{@koxy-max} &ckoxy!" to {_p}
return false
if {schowek::koxy::%{_p}%} is less than 1:
send "&cProbowalem wyplacic koxa.. ale masz pusty schowek." to {_p}
return false
if {_p} doesn't have enough space for 1 enchanted golden apple:
send "&cProbowalem wyplacic koxa.. ale masz pelny ekwipunek." to {_p}
return false
loop {@koxy-max} times:
if {_p} has {@koxy-max} enchanted golden apple:
exit loop
if {schowek::koxy::%{_p}%} is less than 1:
exit loop
if {_p} doesn't have enough space for 1 enchanted golden apple:
exit loop
add enchanted golden apple to {_p}
remove 1 from {schowek::koxy::%{_p}%}
add 1 to {_num}
if {_num} is not set:
return false
send "&aWyplacono &a%{_num}% &akoxow!" to {_p}
return true
function getRefillSchowek(p: player) :: boolean:
if {_p} has {@refy-max} golden apple:
send "&cJuz masz &a{@refy-max} &crefow!" to {_p}
return false
if {schowek::refille::%{_p}%} is less than 1:
send "&cProbowalem wyplacic refilla.. ale masz pusty schowek." to {_p}
return false
if {_p} doesn't have enough space for 1 golden apple:
send "&cProbowalem wyplacic refilla.. ale masz pelny ekwipunek." to {_p}
return false
loop {@refy-max} times:
if {_p} has {@refy-max} golden apple:
exit loop
if {schowek::refille::%{_p}%} is less than 1:
exit loop
if {_p} doesn't have enough space for 1 golden apple:
exit loop
add golden apple to {_p}
remove 1 from {schowek::refille::%{_p}%}
add 1 to {_num}
if {_num} is not set:
return false
send "&aWyplacono &a%{_num}% &arefow!" to {_p}
return true
function getPearlSchowek(p: player) :: boolean:
if {_p} has {@perly-max} ender pearl:
send "&cJuz masz &a{@perly-max} &cperly!" to {_p}
return false
if {schowek::perly::%{_p}%} is less than 1:
send "&cProbowalem wyplacic perle.. ale masz pusty schowek." to {_p}
return false
if {_p} doesn't have enough space for 1 ender pearl:
send "&cProbowalem wyplacic perle.. ale masz pelny ekwipunek." to {_p}
return false
loop {@perly-max} times:
if {_p} has {@perly-max} ender pearl:
exit loop
if {schowek::perly::%{_p}%} is less than 1:
exit loop
if {_p} doesn't have enough space for 1 ender pearl:
exit loop
add ender pearl to {_p}
remove 1 from {schowek::perly::%{_p}%}
add 1 to {_num}
if {_num} is not set:
return false
send "&aWyplacono &a%{_num}% &aperel!" to {_p}
return true
every 1 second:
loop all players:
if loop-player has ({@koxy-max} + 1) of enchanted golden apple:
add ((amount of enchanted golden apple in loop-player's inventory) - {@koxy-max}) to {schowek::koxy::%loop-player%}
remove ((amount of enchanted golden apple in loop-player's inventory) - {@koxy-max}) of enchanted golden apple from loop-player's inventory
send "&cMiales za duzo koxow! Przeniesiono nadmiar do depozytu!" to loop-player
if loop-player has ({@refy-max} + 1) of golden apple:
add ((amount of golden apple in loop-player's inventory) - {@refy-max}) to {schowek::refille::%loop-player%}
remove ((amount of golden apple in loop-player's inventory) - {@refy-max}) of golden apple from loop-player's inventory
send "&cMiales za duzo refow! Przeniesiono nadmiar do depozytu!" to loop-player
if loop-player has ({@perly-max} + 1) of ender pearl:
add ((amount of ender pearl in loop-player's inventory) - {@perly-max}) to {schowek::perly::%loop-player%}
remove ((amount of ender pearl in loop-player's inventory) - {@perly-max}) of ender pearl from loop-player's inventory
send "&cMiales za duzo perel! Przeniesiono nadmiar do depozytu!" to loop-player
command /schowek:
executable by: players
set {_items::*} to "koxy", "refille" and "perly"
loop {_items::*}:
set {schowek::%loop-value%::%player%} to 0 if {schowek::%loop-value%::%player%} is not set
open chest inventory with 1 rows named "{@depozyt-nazwa}" to player
set slot (integers between 0 and 8) of player's current inventory to gray glass pane named " "
on inventory click:
name of player's current inventory is "{@depozyt-nazwa}"
clicked inventory is not player's inventory
cancel event
if clicked slot is 1:
getKoxSchowek(player) is true
else if clicked slot is 3:
getRefillSchowek(player) is true
else if clicked slot is 5:
getPearlSchowek(player) is true
else if clicked slot is 7:
getKoxSchowek(player) is true:
getRefillSchowek(player) is true:
getPearlSchowek(player) is true:
xKamykTM 0
Siemka, ogólnie posiadam skrypt na schowek i czy dało by rade zresetować każdemu graczowi ten schowek? To znaczy zeby kazdemu zresetowac ilosc koxow ktore posiada refow itd
options: # Maksymalne ilości koxów, refilli oraz pereł endu koxy-max: 2 refy-max: 10 perly-max: 4 # Nazwa schowka depozyt-nazwa: &a&lSchowek function reloadSchowekGUI(p: player): set slot 1 of {_p}'s current inventory to enchanted golden apple named "&c&lKOXY" with lore "&aKliknij i wyplac koxy z depozytu!" and "" and "&bPosiadasz: &e%{schowek::koxy::%{_p}%}%" and "" and "&7Kliknij &aLPM&7, aby wyplacic!" set slot 3 of {_p}'s current inventory to golden apple named "&c&lREFY" with lore "&aKliknij i wyplac refy z depozytu!" and "" and "&bPosiadasz: &e%{schowek::refille::%{_p}%}%" and "" and "&7Kliknij &aLPM&7, aby wyplacic!" set slot 5 of {_p}'s current inventory to ender pearl named "&c&lPERLY" with lore "&aKliknij i wyplac perly z depozytu!" and "" and "&bPosiadasz: &e%{schowek::perly::%{_p}%}%" and "" and "&7Kliknij &aLPM&7, aby wyplacic!" set slot 7 of {_p}'s current inventory to magma cream named "&aWypłać wszystko do limitu!" with lore "&7Kliknij &aLPM&7, aby wyplacic!" function getKoxSchowek(p: player) :: boolean: if {_p} has {@koxy-max} enchanted golden apple: send "&cJuz masz &a{@koxy-max} &ckoxy!" to {_p} return false if {schowek::koxy::%{_p}%} is less than 1: send "&cProbowalem wyplacic koxa.. ale masz pusty schowek." to {_p} return false if {_p} doesn't have enough space for 1 enchanted golden apple: send "&cProbowalem wyplacic koxa.. ale masz pelny ekwipunek." to {_p} return false loop {@koxy-max} times: if {_p} has {@koxy-max} enchanted golden apple: exit loop if {schowek::koxy::%{_p}%} is less than 1: exit loop if {_p} doesn't have enough space for 1 enchanted golden apple: exit loop add enchanted golden apple to {_p} remove 1 from {schowek::koxy::%{_p}%} add 1 to {_num} if {_num} is not set: return false send "&aWyplacono &a%{_num}% &akoxow!" to {_p} return true function getRefillSchowek(p: player) :: boolean: if {_p} has {@refy-max} golden apple: send "&cJuz masz &a{@refy-max} &crefow!" to {_p} return false if {schowek::refille::%{_p}%} is less than 1: send "&cProbowalem wyplacic refilla.. ale masz pusty schowek." to {_p} return false if {_p} doesn't have enough space for 1 golden apple: send "&cProbowalem wyplacic refilla.. ale masz pelny ekwipunek." to {_p} return false loop {@refy-max} times: if {_p} has {@refy-max} golden apple: exit loop if {schowek::refille::%{_p}%} is less than 1: exit loop if {_p} doesn't have enough space for 1 golden apple: exit loop add golden apple to {_p} remove 1 from {schowek::refille::%{_p}%} add 1 to {_num} if {_num} is not set: return false send "&aWyplacono &a%{_num}% &arefow!" to {_p} return true function getPearlSchowek(p: player) :: boolean: if {_p} has {@perly-max} ender pearl: send "&cJuz masz &a{@perly-max} &cperly!" to {_p} return false if {schowek::perly::%{_p}%} is less than 1: send "&cProbowalem wyplacic perle.. ale masz pusty schowek." to {_p} return false if {_p} doesn't have enough space for 1 ender pearl: send "&cProbowalem wyplacic perle.. ale masz pelny ekwipunek." to {_p} return false loop {@perly-max} times: if {_p} has {@perly-max} ender pearl: exit loop if {schowek::perly::%{_p}%} is less than 1: exit loop if {_p} doesn't have enough space for 1 ender pearl: exit loop add ender pearl to {_p} remove 1 from {schowek::perly::%{_p}%} add 1 to {_num} if {_num} is not set: return false send "&aWyplacono &a%{_num}% &aperel!" to {_p} return true every 1 second: loop all players: if loop-player has ({@koxy-max} + 1) of enchanted golden apple: add ((amount of enchanted golden apple in loop-player's inventory) - {@koxy-max}) to {schowek::koxy::%loop-player%} remove ((amount of enchanted golden apple in loop-player's inventory) - {@koxy-max}) of enchanted golden apple from loop-player's inventory send "&cMiales za duzo koxow! Przeniesiono nadmiar do depozytu!" to loop-player if loop-player has ({@refy-max} + 1) of golden apple: add ((amount of golden apple in loop-player's inventory) - {@refy-max}) to {schowek::refille::%loop-player%} remove ((amount of golden apple in loop-player's inventory) - {@refy-max}) of golden apple from loop-player's inventory send "&cMiales za duzo refow! Przeniesiono nadmiar do depozytu!" to loop-player if loop-player has ({@perly-max} + 1) of ender pearl: add ((amount of ender pearl in loop-player's inventory) - {@perly-max}) to {schowek::perly::%loop-player%} remove ((amount of ender pearl in loop-player's inventory) - {@perly-max}) of ender pearl from loop-player's inventory send "&cMiales za duzo perel! Przeniesiono nadmiar do depozytu!" to loop-player command /schowek: executable by: players trigger: set {_items::*} to "koxy", "refille" and "perly" loop {_items::*}: set {schowek::%loop-value%::%player%} to 0 if {schowek::%loop-value%::%player%} is not set open chest inventory with 1 rows named "{@depozyt-nazwa}" to player set slot (integers between 0 and 8) of player's current inventory to gray glass pane named " " reloadSchowekGUI(player) on inventory click: name of player's current inventory is "{@depozyt-nazwa}" clicked inventory is not player's inventory cancel event if clicked slot is 1: getKoxSchowek(player) is true reloadSchowekGUI(player) else if clicked slot is 3: getRefillSchowek(player) is true reloadSchowekGUI(player) else if clicked slot is 5: getPearlSchowek(player) is true reloadSchowekGUI(player) else if clicked slot is 7: getKoxSchowek(player) is true: reloadSchowekGUI(player) getRefillSchowek(player) is true: reloadSchowekGUI(player) getPearlSchowek(player) is true: reloadSchowekGUI(player)
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