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Kilka Pytań ...



Witam mam kilka pytań ...

1. Jak ustawić punkt spawnpointu na mapie np. lecę w 1 miejsce na mapie wpisuję /ustawrp 1, lecę w inne miejsce i robię to samo tylko że 2 i potem 3, 4 itd. I potem gracza teleportuje na te spawnpointy co ustawiłem (losowo).


2. Jak zrobić że po zabiciu gracz'a nie dropi żaden item, nie zależy jaki.


3. Jak zrobić aby gracz nie mógł wyrzucić netherowej gwiazdy o wybranej nazwie...



To tyle liczę na pomoc :)

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command /ustawwarpa <text>:	trigger:		if arg 1 is "1":			set {warp_1} at location of player		if arg 1 is "2":			set {warp_2} at location of player		if arg 1 is "3":			set {warp_3} at location of player		if arg 1 is "4":			set {warp_4} at location of player		if arg 1 is "5":			set {warp_5} at location of player
command /losowyspawn:	trigger:		chance of 50%:			teleport player to {warp_1}			stop		chance of 50%:			teleport player to {warp_2}			stop		chance of 50%:			teleport player to {warp_3}			stop		chance of 50%:			teleport player to {warp_4}			stop		chance of 50%:			teleport player to {warp_5}			stop


on death of player:	clear drops

3. Nie mam czasu :/

All pisanie na szybko :(

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on drop:	event-item is nether star named "Cos":		cancel event
command /ustawwarpa <number>:    trigger:        if arg is "1":            set {warp_1} at location of player        if arg is "2":            set {warp_2} at location of player        if arg is "3":            set {warp_3} at location of player        if arg is "4":            set {warp_4} at location of player        if arg is "5":            set {warp_5} at location of playercommand /losowyspawn:    trigger:        set {_x} to random integer between 1 and 5        {_x} is 1:            teleport player to {warp_1}            stop        {_x} is 2:            teleport player to {warp_2}            stop       {_x} is 3:            teleport player to {warp_3}            stop        {_x} is 4:            teleport player to {warp_4}            stop        {_x} is 5:            teleport player to {warp_5}            stop
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Co do pierwszego to:

command /ustawrp [<number&gt]:	trigger:		if arg 1 is 1:			send "Ustawiles Spawn nr 1"			add location of player to {spawny::*}		if arg 1 is 2:			send "Ustawiles Spawn nr 2"			add location of player to {spawny::*}		if arg 1 is 3:			send "Ustawiles Spawn nr 3"			add location of player to {spawny::*}		if arg 1 is 4:			send "Ustawiles Spawn nr 4"			add location of player to {spawny::*}		if arg 1 is 5:			send "Ustawiles Spawn nr 5"			add location of player to {spawny::*}	command /losowyspawn:	trigger:		if {spawny::*} is not empty:			teleport player to random location of {spawny::*}			send "Zostales Losowo Teleportowany"		else:			send "Spawny nie zostaly ustawione"
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