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problem z zmienna



on damage of player:
	attacker is a player
	projectile doesn't exist
	if distance between attacker and victim is bigger than 5:
		cancel event
        set {reach.%player%} to true
		kick attacker due to "{@reach}"

6 LINIJKA NIE DZIALA! set {reach.%player%} to true

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Nie może być player tylko victim albo attacker:

on damage of player:
	attacker is a player
	projectile doesn't exist
	if distance between attacker and victim is bigger than 5:
		cancel event
        set {reach.%attacker%} to true
		kick attacker due to "{@reach}"


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	reach: &e>>> &7Hmm... Killaura??
	{reach.%player%} = false
on damage of player:
	if attacker is a player:
		projectile doesn't exist
		if distance between attacker and victim is bigger than 5:
			cancel event
			set {reach.%attacker%} to true
			kick attacker due to "{@reach}"

Myślę że o to Ci chodziło: /\
Ej.. To może odrazu dam Ci cały skrypt :D

on damage of a player:
	projectile doesn't exist
	if distance between attacker and victim is greater than 5.0:
		send "&cProsze nie cheatowac ;)" to attacker
		cancel event
	if distance between attacker and victim is greater than 5.5:
		send "&cNo ale na serio chcesz bana??" to attacker
		cancel event
	if distance between attacker and victim is greater than 6.0:
		set {_player} to attacker
		if {_reach::%attacker's uuid%} is set:
			if {_reach::%attacker's uuid%} is greater than 30:
				ban attacker due to "&4&lKILLAURA"
				add 1 to {_reach::%attacker's uuid%}
			set {_reach::%attacker's uuid%} to 0
			add 1 to {_reach::%attacker's uuid%}


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	reach: &cZbanowano na & &4'&cZostales zbanowany!, CONSOLE: Serwer, Powod: &eREACH!

on damage of player:
	attacker is a player
	projectile doesn't exist
	if distance between attacker and victim is bigger than 5.3:
		cancel event
        set {reach.%attacker%} to true
		kick attacker due to "{@reach}"

on connect:
	if {reach.%player%} is true:
		kick player due to "{@reach}"

command /acub [<offline player>]:
	permission: acub.adm
	permission message: &7 » &cBrak permisji!
		if arg 1 is set:
			send "&4Odbanowano: %arg 1%"
			set {reach.%arg 1%} to false
		if arg 1 is not set:
			send " &7» &cPoprawne uzycie: &7/acub nick"

to nie chce dzialac jest problem z 6 linijka

dobra dziala jak ktos chce kod - 

	{reach.%player%} = false
	reach: &cZbanowano na & &4'&cZostales zbanowany!, CONSOLE: Serwer, Powod: &eREACH!

on damage of player:
	if attacker is a player:
		projectile doesn't exist
		if distance between attacker and victim is bigger than 5.3:
			cancel event
			set {reach.%attacker%} to true
			kick attacker due to "{@reach}"

on connect:
	if {reach.%player%} is true:
		kick player due to "{@reach}"

command /acub [<offline player>]:
	permission: acub.adm
	permission message: &7 » &cBrak permisji!
		if arg 1 is set:
			send "&4Odbanowano: %arg 1%"
			set {reach.%arg 1%} to false
		if arg 1 is not set:
			send " &7» &cPoprawne uzycie: &7/acub nick"


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