on script load: register new shaped recipe for stick of knockback 2 named "&4Rozdzka teleportujaca" using air, gold block, air, air, stick, air, air, stick, air on rightclick: if name of player's tool is "&4Rozdzka teleportujaca": execute console command "pex user %player% add sk.rozdzka" apply nausea 2 to the player for 30 seconds wait 3 second execute player command "/teleport" execute console command "pex user %player% remove sk.rozdzka" remove nausea from player remove 1 stick named "&4Rozdzka teleportujaca" from player send "&6Teleportuje na spawn" command /spawn:trigger:send "&8Aby przeteleportowac na spawn musisz miec rozdzke teleportacyjna"send "&8Aby ja stworzyc potrzebujesz 1 blok zlota i 2 patyki"send "&8Albo isc na kordy: &3y:&f%{y}% z:&f%{z}%"stop command /teleport: trigger: if player has permission "sk.rozdzka": teleport the player to {spawn.spawn}i wyskakuje mi error: Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subesequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line in you don't want whis line to start a section (TPROZDZKA.sk , line3:if player has permission "setspawn.admin":')
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