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Problem z register new shaped recipe



Mam problem z register new shaped recipe.

Błąd z gry:

Can't understand this condition/effect: register new shaped recipe for stone named "&4KopaczFosy" using stone, stone, stone, stone, diamond, stone, stone, stone, stone (, line 20: register new shaped recipe for stone named "&4KopaczFosy" using stone, stone, stone, stone, diamond, stone, stone, stone, stone')


Pomoże ktoś?


Cały skrypt:


command /kopacz [<text>]:
        player has permission "admin.kopacz":
            if arg is "daj":
                give player stone named "&4KopaczFosy"
                send "&7Wpisz &6/kopacz daj"
on place stone:
    set {_loc} to location of event-block
    player's tool is stone named "&4KopaczFosy":
        loop 254 times:
            if block under {_loc} is not bedrock:
                remove 1 from y poss of {_loc}
                set block at {_loc} to air
                set event-block to air
                exit loop
on load:
	register new shaped recipe for stone named "&4KopaczFosy" using stone, stone, stone, stone, diamond,stone, stone, stone, stone

Wersja Skript: 2.5

Wersja SkQuery: 4.1.3

Wersja Serwera: 1.16.4

Silnik: Tuinity

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