command /drop:
open chest inventory with 1 rows named "&f&lDrop ze &7&lStone" to player
set slot 4 of player's current inventory to Sunflower of unbreaking 10 named "&e&l&0&l[&6&lZlota Moneta&0&l]" with lore "jest 0.3% szans na zdobycie"
on inventory click:
name of player's current inventory is "&f&lDrop ze stone"
cancel event
ravviseq 2
command /drop: trigger: open chest inventory with 1 rows named "&f&lDrop ze &7&lStone" to player set slot 4 of player's current inventory to Sunflower of unbreaking 10 named "&e&l&0&l[&6&lZlota Moneta&0&l]" with lore "jest 0.3% szans na zdobycie" on inventory click: name of player's current inventory is "&f&lDrop ze stone" cancel event
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