RUDAZZ 0 Opublikowano 26 sierpnia 2018 Udostępnij Opublikowano 26 sierpnia 2018 (edytowane) Spoiler Cytat Edytowane 28 sierpnia 2018 przez DeltaT Zmieniono nazwę tematu na jaśniejszą Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
0 Gość DeltaT Opublikowano 26 sierpnia 2018 Udostępnij Opublikowano 26 sierpnia 2018 Ten temat został przeniesiony. Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
0 TheAdamos 24 Opublikowano 27 sierpnia 2018 Udostępnij Opublikowano 27 sierpnia 2018 Opisz swój problem dokładnie, nie umiem wróżyć z fusów... Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
0 RUDAZZ 0 Opublikowano 28 sierpnia 2018 Autor Udostępnij Opublikowano 28 sierpnia 2018 (edytowane) Chodzi o to, że nie wiem jak skonfigurowac tabliste pod funnyguilds showTo: "all" # Examples of alternative options for showTo: # showTo: ' ${viewer server} == "Factions" ' # showTo: ' ${viewer server} == "Factions" or ${viewer server} == "Survival" ' # showTo: ' ${viewer vault_primary_group} == "Admin" ' # If after evaluating the showTo option of all tab list configs multiple tab lists # are visible to a player, he will bw shown the one with the highest priority: priority: 0 # Tab list header and footer: showHeaderFooter: true header: - |- &2&lMY&7&lHC&8&l.PL headerAnimationUpdateInterval: 5.0 footer: - |- &7Polub nasz facebooku & - |- &7Strona serwera & - |- &7TeamSpeak3 serwera & footerAnimationUpdateInterval: 5.0 # Custom placeholders are a powerful mechanism to add more dynamic content # to the tab list. customPlaceholders: # Defines the ${afk_tag} placeholder which is used to add "|away" # to the players name if he is afk. afk_tag: !conditional condition: ${player essentials_afk} true: '&7|&oaway' false: '' # Defines the ${viewer_colored_ping0} placeholder which displays the ping in green # if it is below 50ms, otherwise in yellow. viewer_colored_ping0: !conditional condition: "${viewer ping} < 50" true: "&a${viewer ping}" false: "&e${viewer ping}" # Defines ${the viewer_colored_ping} placeholder which displays the ping in red # if it is above 150ms, otherwise it is replaced with the ${viewer_colored_ping0} # placeholder ( < 50 -> green, > 50 -> yellow). # That results in the following color scheme: # 0 - 49 -> green # 50 - 149 -> yellow # 150+ -> red viewer_colored_ping: !conditional condition: "${viewer ping} < 150" true: ${viewer_colored_ping0} false: "&c${viewer ping}" # Player sets are required to display players and player counts on the tab list. # To display a player count use ${playerset:<name> size}, example: ${playerset:global size}. playerSets: # The global player set contains all players global: filter: "true" # # Some more examples. Be careful to get the number of spaces right when using them. # # Player set containing all players on a specific server: # survival: # filter: |- # ${player server} == "survival" # # Player set containing all players on the same server as the player viewing the tab list: # currentserver: # filter: |- # ${player server} == ${viewer server} # # Player set containing all players on a specific server and world: # survival_nether: # filter: |- # ${player server} == "survival" # and ${player world} == "world_nether" # # Player set containing all admins: # admins: # filter: |- # ${player vault_primary_group} == "admin" # or ${player vault_primary_group} == "owner" # We want the tab list to have a fixed size of 60 slots. # If you want a dynamic size you need to set type to DYNAMIC_SIZE # and you don't need any of the options below it. Have a look at # the example in the wiki to see which options you need instead: # type: FIXED_SIZE size: 80 # The defaultIcon and defaultPing will be used for all slots for which no other value is # explicitely set. defaultIcon: colors/dark_gray.png defaultPing: 1000 # Here the content of the tab list is configured: components: # Three info slots at the top - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: " &8* &2&lINFORMACJE &8*"} # 2st row, 1st column - {text: " &8* &a&lTWOJA GILDIA &8*"} # 2st row, 1st column - {text: " &8* &a&lTOPOWI GRACZE &8*"} # 2st row, 1st column - {text: " &8* &a&lTOPOWE GILDIE &8*"} # 2st row, 1st column - {text: "",} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: "",} # 1st row, 2nd column - !animated # 19th row, 1st column interval: 20.0 components: - {text: " &8[&7PUNKTY&8]"} - {text: " &8[&7ZABOJSTWA&8]"} - {text: " &8[&7ZGONY&8]"} - {text: " &8[&7ASYSTY&8]"} - {text: " &8[&7KOPACZY&8]"} - {text: " &8[&7PUNKTY&8]"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: "&7Nick: &a${viewer name}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: "&7Tag:&6 ${viewer funnyguilds_g-name}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: "&7Zabojstwa: &6${viewer funnyguilds_kills}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: "&7Punkty: &6${viewer gpoints}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - !animated # 19th row, 1st column interval: 20.0 components: - {text: " &7${viewer top1}"} - {text: "&f1 &7${viewer ktop1}"} - {text: "&f1. &7${viewer dtop1}"} - {text: "&f1. &7${viewer atop1}"} - {text: "&f1. &7${viewer ltop1}"} - {text: "&7${viewer gtop1}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: "&7Zgony: &6${viewer deaths}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: "&7Zabojstwa: &6${viewer gkills}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - !animated # 19th row, 1st column interval: 20.0 components: - {text: " &7${viewer top2}"} - {text: "&f2. &7${viewer ktop2}"} - {text: "&f2. &7${viewer dtop2}"} - {text: "&f2. &7${viewer atop2}"} - {text: "&f2. &7${viewer ltop2}"} - {text: "&7${viewer gtop2}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: "&7Asysty: &6${viewer asist}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: "&7Zgony: &6${viewer gdeaths}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - !animated # 19th row, 1st column interval: 20.0 components: - {text: " &7${viewer top3}"} - {text: "&f3. &7${viewer ktop3}"} - {text: "&f3. &7${viewer dtop3}"} - {text: "&f3. &7${viewer atop3}"} - {text: "&f3. &7${viewer ltop3}"} - {text: "&7${viewer gtop3}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: "&7Poziom kopania: &6${viewer lvl}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: "&7Online: &6${viewer online}&6${viewer gmaxonline}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - !animated # 19th row, 1st column interval: 20.0 components: - {text: " &7${viewer top4}"} - {text: "&f4. &7${viewer ktop4}"} - {text: "&f4. &7${viewer dtop4}"} - {text: "&f4. &7${viewer atop4}"} - {text: "&f4. &7${viewer ltop4}"} - {text: "&7${viewer gtop4}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: "&7Ping: &6${viewer ping}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - !animated # 19th row, 1st column interval: 20.0 components: - {text: " &7${viewer top5}"} - {text: "&f5. &7${viewer ktop5}"} - {text: "&f5. &7${viewer dtop5}"} - {text: "&f5. &7${viewer atop5}"} - {text: "&f5. &7${viewer ltop5}"} - {text: "&7${viewer gtop5}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - !animated # 19th row, 1st column interval: 20.0 components: - {text: " &7${viewer top6}"} - {text: "&f6. &7${viewer ktop6}"} - {text: "&f6. &7${viewer dtop6}"} - {text: "&f6. &7${viewer atop6}"} - {text: "&f6. &7${viewer ltop6}"} - {text: "&7${viewer gtop6}"} - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - !animated # 19th row, 1st column interval: 20.0 components: - {text: " &7${viewer top7}"} - {text: "&f7. &7${viewer ktop7}"} - {text: "&f7. &7${viewer dtop7}"} - {text: "&f7. &7${viewer atop7}"} - {text: "&f7. &7${viewer ltop7}"} - {text: "&7${viewer gtop7}"} - {text: "&7&6${viewer gsize1}"} - {text: "&7&6${viewer gsize1}"} - !animated # 19th row, 1st column interval: 20.0 components: - {text: " &7${viewer top8}"} - {text: "&f8. &7${viewer ktop8}"} - {text: "&f8. &7${viewer dtop8}"} - {text: "&f8. &7${viewer atop8}"} - {text: "&f8. &7${viewer ltop8}"} - {text: "&7${viewer gtop8}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - !animated # 19th row, 1st column interval: 20.0 components: - {text: " &7${viewer top9}"} - {text: "&f9. &7${viewer ktop9}"} - {text: "&f9. &7${viewer dtop9}"} - {text: "&f9. &7${viewer atop9}"} - {text: "&f9. &7${viewer ltop9}"} - {text: "&7${viewer gtop9}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - !animated # 19th row, 1st column interval: 20.0 components: - {text: " &7${viewer top10}"} - {text: "&f10. &7${viewer ktop10}"} - {text: "&f10. &7${viewer dtop10}"} - {text: "&f10. &7${viewer atop10}"} - {text: "&f10. &7${viewer ltop10}"} - {text: "&7${viewer gtop10}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - !animated # 19th row, 1st column interval: 20.0 components: - {text: " &7${viewer top11}"} - {text: "&f11. &7${viewer ktop11}"} - {text: "&f11. &7${viewer dtop11}"} - {text: "&f11. &7${viewer atop11}"} - {text: "&f11. &7${viewer ltop11}"} - {text: "&7${viewer gtop11}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - !animated # 19th row, 1st column interval: 20.0 components: - {text: " &7${viewer top12}"} - {text: "&f12. &7${viewer ktop12}"} - {text: "&f12. &7${viewer dtop12}"} - {text: "&f12. &7${viewer atop12}"} - {text: "&f12. &7${viewer ltop12}"} - {text: "&7${viewer gtop12}"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: ""} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: " &7/gracz <nick>"} # 1st row, 2nd column - {text: " &7/g info <tag>"} # 1st row, 2nd column # Show ping in different colors depending on how good/ bad it is # A row of empty slots below - {} # 2nd row, 3rd column; Since the text is empty it doesn't need to be specified either # The players by server component adds players to the tab list grouped by server - !players_by_server # The global player set is configured above playerSet: global # The server header is shown for each server above the players on that server. # We use it to display the server name and the player count. serverHeader: # The server separator is shown between two consecutive servers. # Here it use used to separate the servers with an empty row of slots, showing two more variants to display an empty slot. serverSeparator: - {} - "" - # Whether empty servers should show up too includeEmptyServers: true # Format of the player slot. Add prefixes as you like playerComponent: "${player vault_prefix}${player name}${afk_tag}" # If there isn't enough space for all players the morePlayersComponent is displayed. We use to to display the number of players which couldn't be displayed on the tab list. morePlayersComponent: {text: "&7... and &e${other_count} &7others", icon: "colors/gray.png", ping: 0} # A spacer creates as many empty slots as possible. - !spacer {} # Because the spacer has eaten up all the remaining free slots, the nine slots below are guaranteed to be at the bottom of the tab list. # Let's start with another empty row - "" # 18th row, 1st column - "" # 18th row, 2nd column - "" # 18th row, 3rd column # Then some nice animations at the bottom 13 godzin temu, TheAdamos napisał: Opisz swój problem dokładnie, nie umiem wróżyć z fusów... Edytowane 28 sierpnia 2018 przez DeltaT Połączono posty i wstawiono w spojler. Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
0 Rejszpat 378 Opublikowano 28 sierpnia 2018 Udostępnij Opublikowano 28 sierpnia 2018 To po co robisz na BungeeTabListPlus, skoro można na FG? Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
0 RUDAZZ 0 Opublikowano 28 sierpnia 2018 Autor Udostępnij Opublikowano 28 sierpnia 2018 9 minut temu, Rejszpat napisał: To po co robisz na BungeeTabListPlus, skoro można na FG? Bo na bungeetablist mam normalne glowy graczy Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
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