Witam, próbowałem na wiele sposobow lecz poleglem. Chcę aby komenda wpisana w konsoli bądź przez amina zmieniała wartość w pliku plugins/Ban/user/%player%.yml z ban true na false.
on load:
if folder "plugins/Ban/" doesn't exists:
create folder "plugins/Ban/"
if folder "plugins/Ban/user." doesn't exists:
create folder "plugins/Ban/user/"
if file "plugins/Ban/config.yml" doesn't exists:
create file "plugins/Ban/config.yml"
set "time" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Ban/config.yml"
on join:
if file "plugins/Ban/user/%player%.yml" doesn't exists:
create file "plugins/Ban/user/%player%.yml"
set "nick" to "%player%" in yaml file "plugins/Ban/user/%player%.yml"
set "ban" to "true" in yaml file "plugins/Ban/user/%player%.yml"
set "time" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Ban/user/%player%.yml"
#Jak to przekształcić
command /unbanicja <offline player>:
usage: /unbanicja <offline player>
if arg false contains "%player%" from "plugins/Ban/user/":
remove file "plugins/Ban/user/%player%.yml"
Jak coś skrypt jest w okrojonej wersji gdyż nie chciałbym go opubliczniać
daniel124pl 0
Witam, próbowałem na wiele sposobow lecz poleglem. Chcę aby komenda wpisana w konsoli bądź przez amina zmieniała wartość w pliku plugins/Ban/user/%player%.yml z ban true na false.
on load:
if folder "plugins/Ban/" doesn't exists:
create folder "plugins/Ban/"
if folder "plugins/Ban/user." doesn't exists:
create folder "plugins/Ban/user/"
if file "plugins/Ban/config.yml" doesn't exists:
create file "plugins/Ban/config.yml"
set "time" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Ban/config.yml"
on join:
if file "plugins/Ban/user/%player%.yml" doesn't exists:
create file "plugins/Ban/user/%player%.yml"
set "nick" to "%player%" in yaml file "plugins/Ban/user/%player%.yml"
set "ban" to "true" in yaml file "plugins/Ban/user/%player%.yml"
set "time" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Ban/user/%player%.yml"
#Jak to przekształcić
command /unbanicja <offline player>:
usage: /unbanicja <offline player>
if arg false contains "%player%" from "plugins/Ban/user/":
remove file "plugins/Ban/user/%player%.yml"
Jak coś skrypt jest w okrojonej wersji gdyż nie chciałbym go opubliczniać
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