Piszę autorski skrypt na tokeny i wszystko dobrze oprócz kilku rzeczy:
{tokeny.stan.%player%} = 0
command /sklepik [<text>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
send "&2/sklepik fly &akupujesz fly'a za &b1500 tokenow"
send "&2/sklepik wk &akupujesz epicki kilof za &b800 tokenow"
send "&2/sklepik sk &akupujesz smoczy kilof za &b400 tokenow"
send "&2/sklepik kolorki &akupujesz kolorowe pisanie na chacie za &b1200 tokenow"
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
if arg 1 is "fly":
if {tokeny.stan.%player%} is 1500:
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
send "&a&lZakupiles Fly'a! Gratulacje!"
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
execute console command "pex user %player% add essentials.fly"
remove 1500 from {tokeny.stan.%player%}
if arg 1 is "fly":
if {tokeny.stan.%player%} isn't 1500:
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
send "&c&lTwoje konto nie posiada &b&l1500 tokenow&c&l!"
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
if arg 1 is "kolorki":
if {tokeny.stan.%player%} is 1200:
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
send "&a&lZakupiles Fly'a! Gratulacje!"
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
execute console command "pex user %player% add essentials.chat.color"
remove 1500 from {tokeny.stan.%player%}
if arg 1 is "kolorki":
if {tokeny.stan.%player%} isn't 1200:
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
send "&c&lTwoje konto nie posiada &b&l1200 tokenow&c&l!"
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
if arg 1 is "ek":
if {tokeny.stan.%player%} is 800:
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
send "&a&lZakupiles Epicki Kilof! Gratulacje!"
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
execute console command "/give %player% diamond_pickaxe 1 0 [enchants: efficiency:15 , unbreaking:1000 , silk_touch:2 , fortune:4 name:&4&l&oEpicki_&a&l&oKilof"
remove 1500 from {tokeny.stan.%player%}
if arg 1 is "ek":
if {tokeny.stan.%player%} isn't 800:
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
send "&c&lTwoje konto nie posiada &b&l800 tokenow&c&l!"
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
if arg 1 is "sk":
if {tokeny.stan.%player%} is 400:
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
send "&a&lZakupiles Smoczy Kilof! Gratulacje!"
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
execute console command "/give %player% diamond_pickaxe 1 0 [enchants: efficiency:7 , unbreaking:1000 , silk_touch:2 , fortune:4 name:&6&l&oSmoczy_&a&l&oKilof"
remove 1500 from {tokeny.stan.%player%}
if arg 1 is "sk":
if {tokeny.stan.%player%} isn't 400:
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
send "&c&lTwoje konto nie posiada &b&l400 tokenow&c&l!"
send "&9&l==========&e&lSklepik&9&l=========="
command /atokeny [<text>] [<player>] [<text>]:
permission: tokeny.admin
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&4&lAdmin&9&l=========="
send "&2/tokeny dodaj nick ilosc &adodaje tokeny graczu"
send "&2/tokeny zabierz nick ilosc &azabiera tokeny graczu"
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&4&lAdmin&9&l=========="
if arg 1 is "re":
command "skript reload tokeny"
wait 1 second
send "&7&l[&1&lTokeny&7&l] &2&lPomyslnie przeladowales plugin!"
if arg 1 is "dodaj":
if player is set:
if arg 3 is set:
if arg 3 is amount:
add %arg 3% to {tokeny.stan.%player%}
wait 1 second
send to %player% "&7&l[&1&lTokeny&7&l] &a&lAdministrator dodal ci do konta &b&l%arg 3% tokenow&a&l!"
send "&7&l[&1&lTokeny&7&l] &2&lCzynnosc wykonana"
if arg 2 is not set:
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&4&lAdmin&9&l=========="
send "&c&lPodaj nick gracza!"
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&4&lAdmin&9&l=========="
if arg 3 is not set:
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&4&lAdmin&9&l=========="
send "&c&lPodaj ilosc tokenow!"
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&4&lAdmin&9&l=========="
if arg 1 is "ustaw":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
set {tokeny.stan.%player%} to 400
command /tokeny [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&9&l=========="
send "&2/tokeny stan &apokazuje ilosc tokenow"
send "&2/tokeny oddaj nick ilosc &aoddaje tokeny graczu"
send "&2/tokeny stan gracz &apokazuje ile tokenow ma gracz"
send "&2/sklepik &atutaj mozesz wydac tokeny"
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&9&l=========="
if arg 1 is "stan":
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&9&l=========="
send "&a&lTwoja aktualna liczba tokenow wynosi &6&l%{tokeny.stan.%player%}%"
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&9&l=========="
if arg 1 is "oddaj":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
if {tokeny.stan.%player%} is %arg 3%:
remove %arg 3% from {tokeny.stan.%player%}
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&9&l=========="
send "&a&lOddales &6&l%arg 3% tokenow &a&lgraczowi &6&l%arg 2%"
send "&a&lTeraz twoj stan tokenow wynosi &6&l%{tokeny.stan.%player%}"
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&9&l=========="
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&9&l=========="
send "&c&lNie masz tyle tokenow: &6&l%arg 3%"
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&9&l=========="
if arg 1 is "oddaj":
if arg 2 is not set:
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&9&l=========="
send "&c&lPodaj nick gracza!"
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&9&l=========="
if arg 1 is "oddaj":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is not set:
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&9&l=========="
send "&c&lPodaj liczbe tokenow ktore chcesz oddac graczowi &6&l%arg 2%"
send "&9&l==========&1&lTOKENY&9&l=========="
oto kod a problemem jest to że:
- nie działą komenda /atokeny ustaw w której ma być tak że np. /atokeny ustaw luki1123 400 i ustawia ilość tokenow na 400
if {tokeny.stan.%player%} is 1500:
chodzi mi o to że gdy gracz ma na koncie np. 2000 tokenow to żeby pobralo mu te 1500 a nie że musi mieć idealnie 1500 tokenów, tak samo jest z
{is {tokeny.stan.%player%} isn't 1500
chodzi o to że gdy gracz ma mniej niż 1500
Wiem że nie po ludzku ale nie wiedziałem jak lepiej wytłumaczyć.
TheRiv3rek 0
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