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Wyłączanie cobblestone



Witam. W internecie jest dużo skryptów na drop, lecz żaden mi się nie podoba. Wole napisać go sam od podstaw i zrobić po swojemu. Dodałem do niego opcje wyłączania i włączania dropu cobblestone. Widziałem na niektórych serwerach, że jeśli klikne w GUI na cobblestone to to zmienia się nazwa na nieaktywny np.


Po czym klikam na cobblestone i zmienia się na:



Wie ktoś może jak to zrobić? Z góry dziękuje :D

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Dodajesz do gui itemek który wyświetla (np w lore) różny tekst jeżeli zmnienna jest 'tak' lub 'nie'. Po naciśnięciu zmnieniasz wartość tej zmiennej, zamykasz i otwierasz jeszcze raz gui.

Nie napiszę tego bo nie mam kodu, a z fusów nie wróżę

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Jeśli chodzi ci o to, to nie działa.



        {cobblestone.%player%} = true

on mine of stone:
 if {cobblestone.%player%} is true:
  chance of 0%:
  drop 0 cobblestone
 if {cobblestone.%player%} is false:
  cancel event
  set event-block to air
  damage player's tool by 1

command /dropg:
            if {cobblestone.%player%} is true:
                open chest with 3 row named "&9&lDROP &6&lGRACZ" to player
                format slot 0 of player with 1 diamond named "&cDIAMENT" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &73.0&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &74.5&8<<" to close
                format slot 1 of player with 1 emerald named "&6SZMARAGD" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &73.0&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &74.5&8<<" to close
                format slot 2 of player with 1 gold ingot named "&6ZLOTO" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &73.50&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &75.25&8<<" to close
                format slot 3 of player with 1 iron ingot named "&6ZELAZO" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &74&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &76&8<<" to close
                format slot 4 of player with 1 263 named "&6WEGIEL" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &75.50&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &78.25&8<<" to close
                format slot 5 of player with 1 redstone named "&6REDSTONE" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &75.0&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &77.5&8<<" to close
                format slot 6 of player with 1 obsidian named "&6OBSIDIAN" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &76&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &79&8<<" to close
                format slot 7 of player with 1 book named "&6KSIAZKA" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &73.0&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &74.5&8<<" to close
                format slot 8 of player with 1 apple named "&6JABLKO" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &72.50&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &73.75&8<<" to close
                format slot 9 of player with 1 ender pearl named "&6PERLA" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &72&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &73&8<<" to close
                format slot 10 of player with 1 sulphur named "&6PROSZEK" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &75.0&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &77.5&8<<" to close
                format slot 24 of player with 1 cobblestone named "&7COBBLESTONE" with lore "&7Aktywny: &6tak" to close then run [execute player command "cobble"]
                format slot 25 of player with 1 diamond pickaxe named "&6FORTUNE" with lore "  &8>>&6I &71 SZTUKA&8<<||  &8>>&6II &72 SZTUKI&8<<||  &8>>&6III &73 SZTUKI&8<<" to close
                format slot 26 of player with 1 book and quill named "&6AUTOR SKRYPTU" with lore "  &8>>&7TheVenix&8<<||&6KANAL||  &8>>&<<" to close
            if {cobblestone.%player%} is false:
                open chest with 3 row named "&9&lDROP &6&lGRACZ" to player
                format slot 0 of player with 1 diamond named "&cDIAMENT" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &73.0&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &74.5&8<<" to close
                format slot 1 of player with 1 emerald named "&6SZMARAGD" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &73.0&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &74.5&8<<" to close
                format slot 2 of player with 1 gold ingot named "&6ZLOTO" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &73.50&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &75.25&8<<" to close
                format slot 3 of player with 1 iron ingot named "&6ZELAZO" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &74&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &76&8<<" to close
                format slot 4 of player with 1 263 named "&6WEGIEL" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &75.50&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &78.25&8<<" to close
                format slot 5 of player with 1 redstone named "&6REDSTONE" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &75.0&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &77.5&8<<" to close
                format slot 6 of player with 1 obsidian named "&6OBSIDIAN" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &76&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &79&8<<" to close
                format slot 7 of player with 1 book named "&6KSIAZKA" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &73.0&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &74.5&8<<" to close
                format slot 8 of player with 1 apple named "&6JABLKO" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &72.50&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &73.75&8<<" to close
                format slot 9 of player with 1 ender pearl named "&6PERLA" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &72&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &73&8<<" to close
                format slot 10 of player with 1 sulphur named "&6PROSZEK" with lore "&e&lGRACZ:||  &8>>&6Szansa: &75.0&8<<||&6&lVIP&8/&a&lSVIP||  &8>>&6Szansa: &77.5&8<<" to close
                format slot 24 of player with 1 cobblestone named "&7COBBLESTONE" with lore "&7Aktywny: &6nie" to close then run [execute player command "cobble"]
                format slot 25 of player with 1 diamond pickaxe named "&6FORTUNE" with lore "  &8>>&6I &71 SZTUKA&8<<||  &8>>&6II &72 SZTUKI&8<<||  &8>>&6III &73 SZTUKI&8<<" to close
                format slot 26 of player with 1 book and quill named "&6AUTOR SKRYPTU" with lore "  &8>>&7TheVenix&8<<||&6KANAL||  &8>>&<<" to close


Edytowane przez Ewald
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