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Lista itemow traci wartosci



Witam! Mam ten skrypt:

command /at [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
		player has permission "at.admin":
			if arg 1 is not set:
				if {attoggle.%player%} is set:
					if {attoggle.%player%} is false:
						set {attoggle.%player%} to true
						send "&7&l[&4&la&6&lT&7&l] &aPo kliknieciu na item, dodasz go do antiThrow!" to the player
						send "&7&l[&4&la&6&lT&7&l] &aChcesz to anulowac? Wpisz ponownie /at!" to the player
						set {attoggle.%player%} to false
						send "&7&l[&4&la&6&lT&7&l] &cWylaczyles antiThrow!" to the player
						send "&7&l[&4&la&6&lT&7&l] &cAby to wlaczyc, wpisz ponownie /at!" to the player
					set {attoggle.%player%} to false
			else if arg 1 is "edytuj":
				open chest with 6 rows named "&7&l[&4&la&6&lT&7&l] &c&lKliknij na item aby usunac" to the player
				set {_count} to 0
				loop {atlist::*}:
					format slot {_count} of player with loop-value to close then run "adelete %id of the loop-value% %name of the loop-value%"
					add 1 to {_count}
			else if arg 1 is "clear":
				delete {atlist::*}
				send "&7&l[&4&la&6&lT&7&l] &aWyczyszczono baze danych!" to the player
			send "&7&l[&4&la&6&lT&7&l] &cNie mozesz tego uzyc!" to the player
on right click:
	if {attoggle.%player%} is set:
		if {attoggle.%player%} is true:
			if event-item is set:
				if {atlist::*} is set:
					loop {atlist::*}:
						if loop-value is event-item:
							send "&7&l[&4&la&6&lT&7&l] &cTen przedmiot juz jest w bazie danych!" to the player
				add event-item to {atlist::*}
				send "&7&l[&4&la&6&lT&7&l] &aDodano %event-item% do bazy AT!" to the player
on place:
	if {attoggle.%player%} is set:
		if {attoggle.%player%} is true:
			cancel event
command /adelete [<text>] [<text>]:
		if arg 1 is set:
			if arg 2 is set:
				loop {atlist::*}:
					if "%id of the loop-value%" is arg 1:
						if "%name of the loop-value%" is arg 2:
							remove loop-value from {atlist::*}
on drop:
	loop {atlist::*}:
		if name of the loop-value is name of the event-item:
			if lore of the loop-value is lore of the event-item:
				cancel event

Chodzi tutaj o moment on drop oraz tworzenia skrzynki z itemami, gdyz po jakims czasie itemy traca wartosci i w skrzynce pokazuja sie puste sloty. Nie wiem co jest zle, dlatego prosze o pomoc :)

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