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Serie zabójstw



Witam mam problem ze skryptem na serie zabójstw otóż błędów nie pokazuje ale największa seria zabójstw zawsze wynosi 0 a po zabiciu pierwszego gracza ma się 0 DW po drugim zabiciu 2 DW po trzecim 4 DW a powinno dawać za pierwszy kill 1 DW za drugi 2 DW za trzeci 3 DW za czwarty 4 DW za piąty 5 DW za szósty 10 DW za siódmy 15 DW...

#=========##  STATY  ##=========#  Variables:    {zabojstwa.%player%} = 0    {smierci.%player%) = 0    {seria.%player%} = 0    {DW.%player%} = 0    {najwiekszaseria.%player%} = 0on death of player:    attacker is a player    victim is a player    add 1 to {zabojstwa.%attacker%}    add 1 to {seria.%attacker%}    add 1 to {smierci.%victim%}    send "Zostales zabity przez %attacker%"    if {seria.%player%} > {najwiekszaseria.%player%}:        set {najwiekszaseria.%player%} to {seria.%player%}command /statystyki [<offlineplayer&gt]:    aliases: staty    usage: &7Poprawne uzycie tej komenty to &9/staty [Nick]    trigger:        if arg 1 is set:            send "&c&l------------------------------"            send "&7Statystyki Gracza&9: %argument 1%"            send "&7Ilosc Zabojstw&9: %{zabojstwa.%argument 1%}%"            send "&7Ilosc Zgonow&9: %{smierci.%argument 1%}%"            send "&7Najwieksza seria zabojstw&9: %{najwiekszaseria.%argument 1%}%"            send "&aAktualna seria zabojstw: %{seria.%argument 1%}%"            send "Ilosc DW: %{DW.%argument 1%}%"            send "&c&l------------------------------"        if arg 1 is not set:            send "&c&l------------------------------"            send "&7Statystyki Gracza&9: %player%"            send "&7Ilosc Zabojstw&9: %{zabojstwa.%player%}%"            send "&7Ilosc Zgonow&9: %{smierci.%player%}%"            send "&7Najwieksza seria zabojstw&9: %{najwiekszaseria.%player%}%"            send "&aAktualna seria zabojstw: %{seria.%player%}%"            send "Ilosc DW: %{DW.%player%}%"            send "&c&l------------------------------"  #=========##  SERIE  ##=========#on death of player:    if {seria.%attacker%} is larger than 1:        add 1 to {DW.%attacker%}        send "Zabiles %victim% i dostales 1 DW" to attacker    if {seria.%attacker%} is larger than 2:        add 2 to {DW.%attacker%}        send "Zabiles %victim% i dostales 2 DW" to attacker    if {seria.%attacker%} is larger than 3:        add 3 to {DW.%attacker%}        send "Zabiles %victim% i dostales 3 DW" to attacker    if {seria.%attacker%} is larger than 4:        add 4 to {DW.%attacker%}        send "Zabiles %victim% i dostales 4 DW" to attacker    if {seria.%attacker%} is larger than 5:        add 5 to {DW.%attacker%}        send "Zabiles %victim% i dostales 5 DW" to attacker    if {seria.%attacker%} is larger than 6:        add 10 to {DW.%attacker%}        send "Zabiles %victim% i dostales 10 DW" to attacker    if {seria.%attacker%} is larger than 7:        add 15 to {DW.%attacker%}        send "Zabiles %victim% i dostales 15 DW" to attacker    if {seria.%attacker%} is larger than 8:        add 20 to {DW.%attacker%}        send "Zabiles %victim% i dostales 20 DW" to attacker    if {seria.%attacker%} is larger than 9:        add 25 to {DW.%attacker%}        send "Zabiles %victim% i dostales 25 DW" to attacker    if {seria.%attacker%} is larger than 10:        add 30 to {DW.%attacker%}        send "Zabiles %victim% i dostales 30 DW" to attacker    if {seria.%attacker%} is larger than 11:        add 35 to {DW.%attacker%}        send "Zabiles %victim% i dostales 35 DW" to attacker    if {seria.%attacker%} is larger than 12:        add 40 to {DW.%attacker%}        send "Zabiles %victim% i dostales 40 DW" to attacker    if {seria.%attacker%} is larger than 13:        add 45 to {DW.%attacker%}        send "Zabiles %victim% i dostales 45 DW" to attacker    if {seria.%attacker%} is greater than or equal to 14:        add 50 to {DW.%attacker%}        send "Zabiles %victim% i dostales 50 DW" to attackeron join:	set {seria.%player%} to 0  #=========##  RANGI  ##=========#                On chat:    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 0:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Rekrut] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 11:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Szeregowy pierwszej klasy] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 25:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Mlodszy szeregowy] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 50:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Starszy Szeregowy] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 100:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Sierzant] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 200:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Starszy sierzant] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 350:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Sierzant sztabowy] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 500:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Glowny sierzant] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 750:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Pierwszy sierzant] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 1000:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Sierzant glowny sztabowy] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 1400:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Sierzant major] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 2000:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Podchorazy] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 3000:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Chorazy] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 4500:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Starszy Chorazy] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 6500:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Kapral] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 9000:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Mlodszy Porucznik] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 13000:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Podporucznik] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 18000:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Porucznik] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 24000:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Starszy Porucznik] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 31000:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Kapitan] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 39000:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Major] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 48000:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Podpulkownik] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 58000:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Pulkownik] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 69000:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Szef korpusu] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 81000:        Cancel event        broadcast "[General] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 86000:        Cancel event        broadcast "[General major] %player% : %colored message%"    if {DW.%player%} is greater than or equal to 1000000:        Cancel event        broadcast "[Weteran] %player% : %colored message%"command /rangi:	trigger:		send "Rekrut:"		send "poziomy: 0-10"		send "Szeregowy pierwszej klasy:"		send "poziomy: '11-25"		send "Mlodszy szeregowy:"		send "poziomy: '26-50"		send "Starszy Szeregowy:"		send "poziomy: '51-100"		send "Sierzant:"		send "poziomy: '101-200"		send "Starszy sierzant:"		send "poziomy: '201-350"		send "Sierzant sztabowy:"		send "poziomy: '351-500"		send "Glowny sierzant:"		send "poziomy: '501-750"		send "Pierwszy sierzant:"		send "poziomy: '751-1000"		send "Sierzant glowny sztabowy:"		send "poziomy: '1001-1400"		send "Sierzant major:"		send "poziomy: '1401-2000"		send "Podchorazy:"		send "poziomy: '2001-3000"		send "Chorazy:"		send "poziomy: '3001-4500"		send "Starszy Chorazy:"		send "poziomy: '4501-6500"		send "Kapral:"		send "poziomy: '6501-9000"		send "Podporucznik:"		send "poziomy: '9001-13000"		send "Mlodszy Porucznik:"		send "poziomy: '13001-18000"		send "Porucznik:"		send "poziomy: '18001-24000"		send "Starszy Porucznik:"		send "poziomy: '24001-31000"		send "Kapitan:"		send "poziomy: '31001-39000"		send "Major:"		send "poziomy: '39001-48000"		send "Podpulkownik:"		send "poziomy: '48001-58000"		send "Pulkownik:"		send "poziomy: '58001-69000"		send "Szef korpusu:"		send "poziomy: '69001-81000"		send "General:"		send "poziomy: '81001-86000"		send "General major:"		send "poziomy: '86001-90000"		send "Weteran:"		send "poziomy: '90001-1000000"
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