{kox::%player%} = 0
{ref::%player%} = 0
{perla::%player%} = 0
{strzaly::%player%} = 0
on first join:
set {kox::%player%} to 0
set {ref::%player%} to 0
set {perla::%player%} to 0
set {strzaly::%player%} to 0
limit.koxy: 1
limit.refy: 14
limit.perla: 3
limit.strzaly: 16
limit.check: 2
every {@limit.check} ticks:
loop all players:
if {limit.ref} is true:
set {_ref} to number of golden apple:0 in loop-player's inventory
if {_ref} is more than {@limit.refy}:
set {_match.ref} to {_ref}-{@limit.refy}
remove {_match.ref} of golden apple:0 from loop-player
set {_match.ref} to {_match.ref} parsed as integer
add {_match.ref} to {ref::%loop-player%}
if {limit.kox} is true:
set {_kox} to number of golden apple:1 in loop-player's inventory
if {_kox} is more than {@limit.koxy}:
set {_match.kox} to {_kox}-{@limit.koxy}
remove {_match.kox} of golden apple:1 from loop-player
set {_match.kox} to {_match.kox} parsed as integer
add {_match.kox} to {kox::%loop-player%}
if {limit.perla} is true:
set {_perla} to number of ender pearl in loop-player's inventory
if {_perla} is more than {@limit.perla}:
set {_match.perla} to {_perla}-{@limit.perla}
remove {_match.perla} of ender pearl from loop-player
set {_match.perla} to {_match.perla} parsed as integer
add {_match.perla} to {perla::%loop-player%}
if {limit.strzaly} is true:
set {strzaly} to number of arrow in loop-player's inventory
if {strzaly} is more than {@limit.strzaly}:
set {_match.strzaly} to {strzaly}-{@limit.strzaly}
remove {_match.strzaly} of arrow from loop-player
set {_match.strzaly} to {_match.strzaly} parsed as integer
add {_match.strzaly} to {strzaly::%loop-player%}
command /schowek [<text>]:
aliases: depozyt, depo, dep, sch
open chest with 3 rows named "&5&lSCHOWEK" to player
wait 1 ticks
format slot 1 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 11 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 13 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 15 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 17 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 20 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 25 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 21 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 23 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 24 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 12 of player with 14 of golden apple:0 named "&5&lRefile" with lore "&5Posiadasz &f&l%{ref::%player%}%" to run [make player execute command "schowek2 ref"]
format slot 10 of player with 1 of golden apple:1 named "&5&lKoxy" with lore "&5Posiadasz: &f&l%{kox::%player%}%" to run [make player execute command "schowek2 kox"]
format slot 16 of player with 16 of arrow named "&5&lStrzaly" with lore "&5Posiadasz: &f&l%{strzaly::%player%}%" to run [make player execute command "schowek2 strzaly"]
format slot 14 of player with 3 of ender pearl named "&5&lPerly" with lore "&5Posiadasz: &f&l%{perla::%player%}%" to run [make player execute command "schowek2 perla"]
command /schowek2 [<text>]:
if arg-1 is "kox":
if {kox::%player%} is not 0:
set {_ilosckoxowprzysobie} to number of golden apple:1 in player's inventory
if {_ilosckoxowprzysobie} is 1:
give 1 of golden apple:1 to player
remove 1 from {kox::%player%}
if {_ilosckoxowprzysobie} is 0:
if {kox::%player%} is greater than 2:
give 2 of golden apple:1 to player
remove 2 from {kox::%player%}
if {kox::%player%} is 1:
give 1 of golden apple:1 to player
send "&7Dobrales koxy!"
remove 1 from {kox::%player%}
if {_ilosckoxowprzysobie} is 0:
if {kox::%player%} is greater than 1:
give 1 of golden apple:1 to player
send "&7Dobrales koxy!"
remove 1 from {kox::%player%}
if {kox::%player%} is 1:
give 1 of golden apple:1 to player
send "&7Dobrales koxy!"
remove 1 from {kox::%player%}
if arg-1 is "ref":
if {ref::%player%} is not 0:
set {_iloscrefiliwprzysobie} to number of golden apple:0 in player's inventory
if {_iloscrefiliwprzysobie} is not 14:
if {ref::%player%} is 1:
give 1 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 1 from {ref::%player%}
if {ref::%player%} is 2:
give 2 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 2 from {ref::%player%}
if {ref::%player%} is 3:
give 3 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 3 from {ref::%player%}
if {ref::%player%} is 4:
give 4 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 4 from {ref::%player%}
if {ref::%player%} is 5:
give 5 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 5 from {ref::%player%}
if {ref::%player%} is 6:
give 6 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 6 from {ref::%player%}
if {ref::%player%} is 7:
give 7 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 7 from {ref::%player%}
if {ref::%player%} is 14:
give 14 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 14 from {ref::%player%}
if {ref::%player%} is greater than 14:
give 14 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 14 from {ref::%player%}
if arg-1 is "perla":
if {perla::%player%} is not 0:
set {_iloscperelwprzysobie} to number of ender pearl in player's inventory
if {_iloscperelwprzysobie} is not 4:
if {perla:%player%} is 1:
give 1 of ender pearl to player
send "&7Dobrales perly!"
remove 1 from {perla::%player%}
if {perla::%player%} is 2:
give 2 of ender pearl to player
send "&7Dobrales perly!"
remove 2 from {perla::%player%}
if {perla::%player%} is 4:
give 4 of ender pearl to player
send "&7Dobrales perly!"
remove 4 from {perla::%player%}
if {perla::%player%} is greater than 4:
give 4 of ender pearl to player
send "&7Dobrales perly!"
remove 4 from {perla::%player%}
if arg-1 is "strzaly":
if {strzaly::%player%} is not 0:
set {_iloscstrzalywwprzysobie} to number of arrow in player's inventory
if {_iloscstrzalywwprzysobie} is not 16:
if {strzaly::%player%} is 1:
give 1 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 1 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is 2:
give 2 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 2 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is 3:
give 3 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 3 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is 4:
give 4 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 4 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is 5:
give 5 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 5 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is 6:
give 6 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 6 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is 7:
give 7 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 7 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is 8:
give 8 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 8 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is 15:
give 15 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 15 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is greater than 16:
give 16 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 16 from {strzaly::%player%}
ddddd1111 0
siemka moze mi ktos do tego skryptu dorobic hopper ktory dobiera caly limit ze schowka? hopper w tym miejscu ktory jest na ss
{limit.kox} = true
{limit.ref} = true
{limit.perla} = true
{limit.strzaly} = true
{kox::%player%} = 0
{ref::%player%} = 0
{perla::%player%} = 0
{strzaly::%player%} = 0
on first join:
set {kox::%player%} to 0
set {ref::%player%} to 0
set {perla::%player%} to 0
set {strzaly::%player%} to 0
limit.koxy: 1
limit.refy: 14
limit.perla: 3
limit.strzaly: 16
limit.check: 2
every {@limit.check} ticks:
loop all players:
if {limit.ref} is true:
set {_ref} to number of golden apple:0 in loop-player's inventory
if {_ref} is more than {@limit.refy}:
set {_match.ref} to {_ref}-{@limit.refy}
remove {_match.ref} of golden apple:0 from loop-player
set {_match.ref} to {_match.ref} parsed as integer
add {_match.ref} to {ref::%loop-player%}
if {limit.kox} is true:
set {_kox} to number of golden apple:1 in loop-player's inventory
if {_kox} is more than {@limit.koxy}:
set {_match.kox} to {_kox}-{@limit.koxy}
remove {_match.kox} of golden apple:1 from loop-player
set {_match.kox} to {_match.kox} parsed as integer
add {_match.kox} to {kox::%loop-player%}
if {limit.perla} is true:
set {_perla} to number of ender pearl in loop-player's inventory
if {_perla} is more than {@limit.perla}:
set {_match.perla} to {_perla}-{@limit.perla}
remove {_match.perla} of ender pearl from loop-player
set {_match.perla} to {_match.perla} parsed as integer
add {_match.perla} to {perla::%loop-player%}
if {limit.strzaly} is true:
set {strzaly} to number of arrow in loop-player's inventory
if {strzaly} is more than {@limit.strzaly}:
set {_match.strzaly} to {strzaly}-{@limit.strzaly}
remove {_match.strzaly} of arrow from loop-player
set {_match.strzaly} to {_match.strzaly} parsed as integer
add {_match.strzaly} to {strzaly::%loop-player%}
command /schowek [<text>]:
aliases: depozyt, depo, dep, sch
open chest with 3 rows named "&5&lSCHOWEK" to player
wait 1 ticks
format slot 1 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 11 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 13 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 15 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 17 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 20 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 25 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 21 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 23 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 24 of player with 1 of Purple Stained Glass Pane named "&5•" to be unstealable
format slot 12 of player with 14 of golden apple:0 named "&5&lRefile" with lore "&5Posiadasz &f&l%{ref::%player%}%" to run [make player execute command "schowek2 ref"]
format slot 10 of player with 1 of golden apple:1 named "&5&lKoxy" with lore "&5Posiadasz: &f&l%{kox::%player%}%" to run [make player execute command "schowek2 kox"]
format slot 16 of player with 16 of arrow named "&5&lStrzaly" with lore "&5Posiadasz: &f&l%{strzaly::%player%}%" to run [make player execute command "schowek2 strzaly"]
format slot 14 of player with 3 of ender pearl named "&5&lPerly" with lore "&5Posiadasz: &f&l%{perla::%player%}%" to run [make player execute command "schowek2 perla"]
command /schowek2 [<text>]:
if arg-1 is "kox":
if {kox::%player%} is not 0:
set {_ilosckoxowprzysobie} to number of golden apple:1 in player's inventory
if {_ilosckoxowprzysobie} is 1:
give 1 of golden apple:1 to player
remove 1 from {kox::%player%}
if {_ilosckoxowprzysobie} is 0:
if {kox::%player%} is greater than 2:
give 2 of golden apple:1 to player
remove 2 from {kox::%player%}
if {kox::%player%} is 1:
give 1 of golden apple:1 to player
send "&7Dobrales koxy!"
remove 1 from {kox::%player%}
if {_ilosckoxowprzysobie} is 0:
if {kox::%player%} is greater than 1:
give 1 of golden apple:1 to player
send "&7Dobrales koxy!"
remove 1 from {kox::%player%}
if {kox::%player%} is 1:
give 1 of golden apple:1 to player
send "&7Dobrales koxy!"
remove 1 from {kox::%player%}
if arg-1 is "ref":
if {ref::%player%} is not 0:
set {_iloscrefiliwprzysobie} to number of golden apple:0 in player's inventory
if {_iloscrefiliwprzysobie} is not 14:
if {ref::%player%} is 1:
give 1 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 1 from {ref::%player%}
if {ref::%player%} is 2:
give 2 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 2 from {ref::%player%}
if {ref::%player%} is 3:
give 3 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 3 from {ref::%player%}
if {ref::%player%} is 4:
give 4 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 4 from {ref::%player%}
if {ref::%player%} is 5:
give 5 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 5 from {ref::%player%}
if {ref::%player%} is 6:
give 6 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 6 from {ref::%player%}
if {ref::%player%} is 7:
give 7 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 7 from {ref::%player%}
if {ref::%player%} is 14:
give 14 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 14 from {ref::%player%}
if {ref::%player%} is greater than 14:
give 14 of golden apple:0 to player
send "&7Dobrales refy!"
remove 14 from {ref::%player%}
if arg-1 is "perla":
if {perla::%player%} is not 0:
set {_iloscperelwprzysobie} to number of ender pearl in player's inventory
if {_iloscperelwprzysobie} is not 4:
if {perla:%player%} is 1:
give 1 of ender pearl to player
send "&7Dobrales perly!"
remove 1 from {perla::%player%}
if {perla::%player%} is 2:
give 2 of ender pearl to player
send "&7Dobrales perly!"
remove 2 from {perla::%player%}
if {perla::%player%} is 4:
give 4 of ender pearl to player
send "&7Dobrales perly!"
remove 4 from {perla::%player%}
if {perla::%player%} is greater than 4:
give 4 of ender pearl to player
send "&7Dobrales perly!"
remove 4 from {perla::%player%}
if arg-1 is "strzaly":
if {strzaly::%player%} is not 0:
set {_iloscstrzalywwprzysobie} to number of arrow in player's inventory
if {_iloscstrzalywwprzysobie} is not 16:
if {strzaly::%player%} is 1:
give 1 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 1 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is 2:
give 2 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 2 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is 3:
give 3 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 3 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is 4:
give 4 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 4 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is 5:
give 5 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 5 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is 6:
give 6 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 6 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is 7:
give 7 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 7 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is 8:
give 8 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 8 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is 15:
give 15 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 15 from {strzaly::%player%}
if {strzaly::%player%} is greater than 16:
give 16 of arrow to player
send "&7Dobrales strzaly!"
remove 16 from {strzaly::%player%}
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