command /szki3lkohard: Permission: gracz.hard Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda trigger: execute console command "/warp uppvphard %player%" execute console command "/clear %player%" execute console command "/heal %player%" equip player with all diamond armor of protection 4 set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 5, fire aspect 2 set slot 1 of player's inventory to 2 enchanted golden apple set slot 2 of player's inventory to 5 golden apple set slot 3 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef command /szki3lkoknock: Permission: gracz.knock Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda trigger: execute console command "/warp uppvpknock %player%" execute console command "/clear %player%" execute console command "/heal %player%" equip player with all diamond armor of protection 4 set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 2 set slot 1 of player's inventory to 1 enchanted golden apple set slot 2 of player's inventory to 3 golden apple set slot 3 of player's inventory to 1 diamond sword of sharpness 4, knockback 2 set slot 4 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef set slot 5 of player's inventory to 1 water bucket set slot 6 of player's inventory to 64 cobblestone set slot 33 of player's inventory to 64 cobblestone set slot 34 of player's inventory to bow of punch 2, power 5, infinity 1 set slot 25 of player's inventory to 1 arrow set slot 7 of player's inventory to 1 165 set slot 8 of player's inventory to ender pearl set slot 24 of player's inventory to diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 command /szki3lkostandard: Permission: gracz.standard Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda trigger: execute console command "/mv tp %player% standard" execute console command "/clear %player%" execute console command "/heal %player%" equip player with all diamond armor of protection 4 set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 5 set slot 1 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef command /szki3lkobp: Permission: gracz.bp Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda trigger: execute console command "/warp uppvpbp %player%" execute console command "/clear %player%" execute console command "/heal %player%" equip player with all diamond armor of protection 4, unbreaking 2 set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 5, fire aspect 2 set slot 1 of player's inventory to 3 enchanted golden apple set slot 2 of player's inventory to 10 golden apple set slot 3 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef set slot 4 of player's inventory to 4 ender pearl command /szki3lkoupgrade: Permission: gracz.upgrade Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda trigger: send "&4Nadal trwaja prace techniczne." send "&4Przepraszamy za niedogodnosci." command /szki3lkoiron: Permission: gracz.iron Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda trigger: execute console command "/warp uppvpiron %player%" execute console command "/clear %player%" execute console command "/heal %player%" equip player with all iron armor of protection 4 set slot 0 of player's inventory to iron sword of sharpness 5 set slot 1 of player's inventory to 1 enchanted golden apple set slot 2 of player's inventory to 3 golden apple set slot 3 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef set slot 4 of player's inventory to 1 water bucket set slot 5 of player's inventory to 1 lava bucket set slot 6 of player's inventory to 64 cobblestone set slot 33 of player's inventory to 64 cobblestone set slot 7 of player's inventory to bow set slot 34 of player's inventory to 64 arrow set slot 8 of player's inventory to 1 ender pearl set slot 24 of player's inventory to 1 diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 command /szki3lkopoty: Permission: gracz.poty Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda trigger: execute console command "/warp uppvppoty %player%" execute console command "/clear %player%" execute console command "/heal %player%" equip player with all diamond armor of protection 4 set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 5, fire aspect 2 set slot 1 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 2 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 3 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 4 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 5 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 6 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef set slot 7 of player's inventory to potion of:8259 set slot 34 of player's inventory to potion of:8259 set slot 8 of player's inventory to potion of:8258 set slot 35 of player's inventory to potion of:8258 set slot 26 of player's inventory to potion of:8226 set slot 9 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 10 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 11 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 12 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 13 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 14 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 15 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 16 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 17 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 18 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 19 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 20 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 21 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 22 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 23 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 24 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 25 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 27 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 28 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 29 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 30 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 31 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 32 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item set slot 33 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item command /szki3lkoend: Permission: gracz.end Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda trigger: send "&8&m--------------------------------------------" to player send " " to player send "&7Arena eventowa &cEND &7w tym momencie jest &cwylaczona&4!" to player send " " to player send "&8&m--------------------------------------------" to player #execute console command "/warp uppvpend %player%" #execute console command "/clear %player%" #execute console command "/heal %player%" #equip player with all diamond armor of protection 4 #set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 5, fire aspect 2 #set slot 1 of player's inventory to 2 enchanted golden apple #set slot 2 of player's inventory to 15 golden apple #set slot 3 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef #set slot 8 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 5, looting 1 named "&9Legendarny Miecz" with lore "&8&m-------------------------------||&7Dzieki tej broni zdobedziesz perelki.||&8&m-------------------------------" command /szki3lkonether: Permission: gracz.nether Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda trigger: send "&8&m--------------------------------------------" to player send " " to player send "&7Arena eventowa &cNETHER &7w tym momencie jest &cwylaczona&4!" to player send " " to player send "&8&m--------------------------------------------" to player #execute console command "/warp uppvpnether %player%" #execute console command "/clear %player%" #execute console command "/heal %player%" #equip player with all diamond armor of protection 4 #set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 5, fire aspect 2 #set slot 1 of player's inventory to 5 golden apple #set slot 2 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef #set slot 3 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item #set slot 4 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item #set slot 5 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item #set slot 6 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item #set slot 7 of player's inventory to potion of:8227 #set slot 8 of player's inventory to 1 shears of efficiency 5, unbreaking 3 named "&9Legendarny Nozyce" with lore "&8&m-------------------------------||&7Dzieki tym nozyca zdobedziesz magiczne mistury.||&8&m-------------------------------"
Szki3lko 4
Czy da się to zoptymalizować?
command /szki3lkohard:
Permission: gracz.hard
Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda
execute console command "/warp uppvphard %player%"
execute console command "/clear %player%"
execute console command "/heal %player%"
equip player with all diamond armor of protection 4
set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 5, fire aspect 2
set slot 1 of player's inventory to 2 enchanted golden apple
set slot 2 of player's inventory to 5 golden apple
set slot 3 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef
command /szki3lkoknock:
Permission: gracz.knock
Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda
execute console command "/warp uppvpknock %player%"
execute console command "/clear %player%"
execute console command "/heal %player%"
equip player with all diamond armor of protection 4
set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 2
set slot 1 of player's inventory to 1 enchanted golden apple
set slot 2 of player's inventory to 3 golden apple
set slot 3 of player's inventory to 1 diamond sword of sharpness 4, knockback 2
set slot 4 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef
set slot 5 of player's inventory to 1 water bucket
set slot 6 of player's inventory to 64 cobblestone
set slot 33 of player's inventory to 64 cobblestone
set slot 34 of player's inventory to bow of punch 2, power 5, infinity 1
set slot 25 of player's inventory to 1 arrow
set slot 7 of player's inventory to 1 165
set slot 8 of player's inventory to ender pearl
set slot 24 of player's inventory to diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5
command /szki3lkostandard:
Permission: gracz.standard
Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda
execute console command "/mv tp %player% standard"
execute console command "/clear %player%"
execute console command "/heal %player%"
equip player with all diamond armor of protection 4
set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 5
set slot 1 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef
command /szki3lkobp:
Permission: gracz.bp
Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda
execute console command "/warp uppvpbp %player%"
execute console command "/clear %player%"
execute console command "/heal %player%"
equip player with all diamond armor of protection 4, unbreaking 2
set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 5, fire aspect 2
set slot 1 of player's inventory to 3 enchanted golden apple
set slot 2 of player's inventory to 10 golden apple
set slot 3 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef
set slot 4 of player's inventory to 4 ender pearl
command /szki3lkoupgrade:
Permission: gracz.upgrade
Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda
send "&4Nadal trwaja prace techniczne."
send "&4Przepraszamy za niedogodnosci."
command /szki3lkoiron:
Permission: gracz.iron
Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda
execute console command "/warp uppvpiron %player%"
execute console command "/clear %player%"
execute console command "/heal %player%"
equip player with all iron armor of protection 4
set slot 0 of player's inventory to iron sword of sharpness 5
set slot 1 of player's inventory to 1 enchanted golden apple
set slot 2 of player's inventory to 3 golden apple
set slot 3 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef
set slot 4 of player's inventory to 1 water bucket
set slot 5 of player's inventory to 1 lava bucket
set slot 6 of player's inventory to 64 cobblestone
set slot 33 of player's inventory to 64 cobblestone
set slot 7 of player's inventory to bow
set slot 34 of player's inventory to 64 arrow
set slot 8 of player's inventory to 1 ender pearl
set slot 24 of player's inventory to 1 diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5
command /szki3lkopoty:
Permission: gracz.poty
Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda
execute console command "/warp uppvppoty %player%"
execute console command "/clear %player%"
execute console command "/heal %player%"
equip player with all diamond armor of protection 4
set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 5, fire aspect 2
set slot 1 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 2 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 3 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 4 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 5 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 6 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef
set slot 7 of player's inventory to potion of:8259
set slot 34 of player's inventory to potion of:8259
set slot 8 of player's inventory to potion of:8258
set slot 35 of player's inventory to potion of:8258
set slot 26 of player's inventory to potion of:8226
set slot 9 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 10 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 11 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 12 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 13 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 14 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 15 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 16 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 17 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 18 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 19 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 20 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 21 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 22 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 23 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 24 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 25 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 27 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 28 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 29 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 30 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 31 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 32 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
set slot 33 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
command /szki3lkoend:
Permission: gracz.end
Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda
send "&8&m--------------------------------------------" to player
send " " to player
send "&7Arena eventowa &cEND &7w tym momencie jest &cwylaczona&4!" to player
send " " to player
send "&8&m--------------------------------------------" to player
#execute console command "/warp uppvpend %player%"
#execute console command "/clear %player%"
#execute console command "/heal %player%"
#equip player with all diamond armor of protection 4
#set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 5, fire aspect 2
#set slot 1 of player's inventory to 2 enchanted golden apple
#set slot 2 of player's inventory to 15 golden apple
#set slot 3 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef
#set slot 8 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 5, looting 1 named "&9Legendarny Miecz" with lore "&8&m-------------------------------||&7Dzieki tej broni zdobedziesz perelki.||&8&m-------------------------------"
command /szki3lkonether:
Permission: gracz.nether
Permission message: &4Nieznana Komenda
send "&8&m--------------------------------------------" to player
send " " to player
send "&7Arena eventowa &cNETHER &7w tym momencie jest &cwylaczona&4!" to player
send " " to player
send "&8&m--------------------------------------------" to player
#execute console command "/warp uppvpnether %player%"
#execute console command "/clear %player%"
#execute console command "/heal %player%"
#equip player with all diamond armor of protection 4
#set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 5, fire aspect 2
#set slot 1 of player's inventory to 5 golden apple
#set slot 2 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef
#set slot 3 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
#set slot 4 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
#set slot 5 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
#set slot 6 of player's inventory to splash health potion II item
#set slot 7 of player's inventory to potion of:8227
#set slot 8 of player's inventory to 1 shears of efficiency 5, unbreaking 3 named "&9Legendarny Nozyce" with lore "&8&m-------------------------------||&7Dzieki tym nozyca zdobedziesz magiczne mistury.||&8&m-------------------------------"
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