DropNether: 0.5 #Procent dropu Biletu do netheru
DropEnd: 0.1 #Procent dropu Biletu do Endu
czas: 30 #Czas przebywania w innych swiatach
wiadnether: &cWykopales Bilet do Netheru! #Wiadomosc przy wykopaniu B. do Netheru
wiadend: &cWykopales Bilet do Endu! #Wiadomosc przy wykopaniu B. do Endu
joinnether: &cMasz 30 minut! #Wiadomosc po wejsciu do netheru
joinend: &cMasz 30 minut! #Wiadomosc po wejsciu do endu
koniec: &Straciles swoj czas!
on mine of stone:
chance of {@DropNether}%:
give 1 map named "&cBilet do Netheru" to player
send "{@wiadnether}"
chance of {@DropEnd}%:
give 1 map named "&cBilet do Endu" to player
send "{@wiadend}"
on mine of cobblestone:
chance of {@DropNether}%:
give 1 map named "&cBilet do Netheru" to player
send "{@wiadnether}"
chance of {@DropEnd}%:
give 1 map named "&cBilet do Endu" to player
send "{@wiadend}"
on portal:
if player has 1 map named "&cBilet do Netheru":
set {nether.%player%} to 30
remove 1 map named "&cBilet do Netheru" from player
send "{@joinnether}"
send "&4Nie masz Biletu!"
every 1 minute:
if {nether.%player%} is 30:
remove 1 from {nether.%player}
if {nether.%player%} is 0:
execute console command "spawn %player%"
send "{@koniec}"
on death:
if victim is in "world_nether":
if victim is player:
execute console command "spawn %player%"
send "{@koniec}"
command /blokadaauthor:
send "&4xxdamixx"
command /netheron:
set {nether} to true:
send "&2Nether Wlaczony!"
command /netheroff:
set {nether} to false:
send "&4Nether Wylaczony!"
on portal:
if {nether} is false:
cancel event
send "&4Nether Wylaczony!"
if player has 1 map named "&cBilet do Netheru":
set {nether.%player%} to 30
remove 1 map named "&cBilet do Netheru" from player
send "{@joinnether}"
else player has 1 map named "&cBilet do Netheru":
send "&4Nie masz Biletu!"
SirSkPlus 47
Mozecie mi to dobrze wytabować?? bo wywala bledy
DropNether: 0.5 #Procent dropu Biletu do netheru
DropEnd: 0.1 #Procent dropu Biletu do Endu
czas: 30 #Czas przebywania w innych swiatach
wiadnether: &cWykopales Bilet do Netheru! #Wiadomosc przy wykopaniu B. do Netheru
wiadend: &cWykopales Bilet do Endu! #Wiadomosc przy wykopaniu B. do Endu
joinnether: &cMasz 30 minut! #Wiadomosc po wejsciu do netheru
joinend: &cMasz 30 minut! #Wiadomosc po wejsciu do endu
koniec: &Straciles swoj czas!
on mine of stone:
chance of {@DropNether}%:
give 1 map named "&cBilet do Netheru" to player
send "{@wiadnether}"
chance of {@DropEnd}%:
give 1 map named "&cBilet do Endu" to player
send "{@wiadend}"
on mine of cobblestone:
chance of {@DropNether}%:
give 1 map named "&cBilet do Netheru" to player
send "{@wiadnether}"
chance of {@DropEnd}%:
give 1 map named "&cBilet do Endu" to player
send "{@wiadend}"
on portal:
if player has 1 map named "&cBilet do Netheru":
set {nether.%player%} to 30
remove 1 map named "&cBilet do Netheru" from player
send "{@joinnether}"
send "&4Nie masz Biletu!"
every 1 minute:
if {nether.%player%} is 30:
remove 1 from {nether.%player}
if {nether.%player%} is 0:
execute console command "spawn %player%"
send "{@koniec}"
on death:
if victim is in "world_nether":
if victim is player:
execute console command "spawn %player%"
send "{@koniec}"
command /blokadaauthor:
send "&4xxdamixx"
command /netheron:
set {nether} to true:
send "&2Nether Wlaczony!"
command /netheroff:
set {nether} to false:
send "&4Nether Wylaczony!"
on portal:
if {nether} is false:
cancel event
send "&4Nether Wylaczony!"
if player has 1 map named "&cBilet do Netheru":
set {nether.%player%} to 30
remove 1 map named "&cBilet do Netheru" from player
send "{@joinnether}"
else player has 1 map named "&cBilet do Netheru":
send "&4Nie masz Biletu!"
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