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# Author: TheFallingCookie - Name: psRanking# Version: 1.0on load:	send "[psRanking] Succesfully loaded." to the console	send "[psRanking] Developed by TheFallingCookie." to the console	execute console command "scoreboard objectives add pkt dummy &7pkt"	execute console command "scoreboard objectives setdisplay belowName pkt"	loop all players:		kick loop-player due to "&7Wejdz ponownie na serwer!"on unload:	execute console command "scoreboard objectives remove pkt"on join:	{punkty::%player%} is not set:		set {punkty::%player%} to 1000	{zabojstwa.%player%} is not set:		set {zabojstwa.%player%} to 0	{smierci.%player%} is not set:		set {smierci.%player%} to 0	execute console command "scoreboard players set %player% pkt %{punkty::%player%}%"	set {_x} to name of player	if {_x} is "TheFallingCookie":		send "&8> &7Na tym serwerze znajduje sie skrypt &6psRanking &7by TheFallingCookie"on death of player:	strike lightning effect at the player	{atakujacy.%victim%} is set:		set {_attacker.%victim%} to {atakujacy.%victim%}		drop victim's skull at location of victim		add 1 to {smierci.%victim%}		add 1 to {zabojstwa.%{_attacker}%}		set {_punkty.%victim%} to rounded down {punkty::%victim%}*0.10		add {_punkty.%victim%} to {punkty::%{_attacker.%victim%}%}		remove {_punkty.%victim%} from {punkty::%victim%}		set death message to "&8> &6%victim% &czostal zabity przez &6%{_attacker.%victim%}% &7(&6+%{_punkty.%victim%}%&7)"		execute console command "scoreboard players set %victim% pkt %{punkty::%victim%}%"		execute console command "scoreboard players set %{_attacker.%victim%}% pkt %{punkty::%{_attacker.%victim%}%}%"		delete {atakujacy.%victim%}		wait 10 ticks		heal victim		teleport victim to world's spawn		clear inventory of victim		stop	{atakujacy.%victim%} is not set:		add 1 to {smierci.%victim%}		remove 30 from {punkty::%victim%}		execute console command "scoreboard players set %victim% pkt %{punkty::%victim%}%"		wait 10 ticks		heal victim		teleport victim to world's spawn		clear inventory of victim		stopon quit:	if {atakujacy.%player%} is set:		set {_attacker.%player%} to {atakujacy.%player%}		delete {atakujacy.%player%}		kill player		drop player's skull at location of player		add 1 to {smierci.%player%}		add 1 to {zabojstwa.%{_attacker.%player%}%}		set {_punkty.%player%} to rounded down {punkty::%player%}*0.10		add {_punkty.%player%} to {punkty::%{_attacker.%player%}%}		remove {_punkty.%player%} from {punkty::%player%}		broadcast "&8> &6%player% wylogowal sie podczas walki!"		broadcast "&8> &6%player% &czostal zabity przez &6%{_attacker.%player%}% &7(&6+%{_punkty.%player%}%&7)"		execute console command "scoreboard players set %player% pkt %{punkty::%player%}%"		execute console command "scoreboard players set %{_attacker.%player%}% pkt %{punkty::%{_attacker.%player%}%}%"		delete {atakujacy.%player%}		heal player		teleport player to world's spawnon damage of player:	{punkty::%attacker%} is set:		set {atakujacy.%victim%} to name of attacker		wait 15 seconds		delete {atakujacy.%victim%}command /gracz [<offline player=%player%&gt]:	description: Pozwala na sprawdzenie rankingu innego gracza	trigger:		if arg is set:			{punkty::%arg%} is set:				send "&8> &7Ranking gracza: &6%arg%"				send "&8> &7Punkty: &6%{punkty::%arg%}%"				send "&8> &7Zabojstwa: &6%{zabojstwa.%arg%}%"				send "&8> &7Smierci: &6%{smierci.%arg%}%"			{punkty::%arg%} is not set:				send "&8> &cGracza o takim nicku nie ma w bazie danych!"			stop		else:				send "&8> &7Ranking gracza: &6%player% &7(Ty)"				send "&8> &7Punkty: &6%{punkty::%player%}%"				send "&8> &7Zabojstwa: &6%{zabojstwa.%player%}%"				send "&8> &7Smierci: &6%{smierci.%player%}%"command /top10:	description: Top 10 graczy z najwyzsza iloscia punktow	aliases: /top, /topka	trigger:		send "&8> &6Top 10 najlepszych graczy:"		set {_num} to size of {punkty::*}		loop {_num} times:			loop {punkty::*}:				{_v.%loop-number%} is not set:					set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value					set {_n.%loop-number%} to loop-index				loop-value is greater than {_v.%loop-number%}:					set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value					set {_n.%loop-number%} to loop-index			remove {_v.%loop-number%} from {punkty::*}		loop {_num} times:			loop-number is less than or equal to 10:				send "&8> &7%loop-number%. &6%{_n.%loop-number%}% &8(&6%{_v.%loop-number%}%&8)"			set {punkty::%{_n.%loop-number%}%} to {_v.%loop-number%}command /ranking [<text&gt] [<player&gt] [<integer&gt]:	description: Pozwala na zarzadzanie rankingiem innego gracza	trigger:		if player has permission "psranking.*":			arg 1 is not set:				send "&8> &cPrawidlowe uzycie: &6/ranking &7<&6set|add|remove&7> <&6gracz&7> <&6ilosc>&7"			arg 1 is not "set" or "add" or "remove":				send "&8> &cPrawidlowe uzycie: &6/ranking &7<&6set|add|remove&7> <&6gracz&7> <&6ilosc>&7"			arg 1 is "set":				if arg 2 is set:					if arg 3 is set:						if {punkty::%arg 2%} is set:							set {punkty::%arg 2%} to arg 3							send "&8> &7Zaaktualizowano ranking gracza: &6%arg 2%&7!"							execute console command "scoreboard players set %arg 2% pkt %{punkty::%arg 2%}%"						else:							send "&8> &cGracza o takim nicku nie ma w bazie danych!"					else:						send "&8> &cPrawidlowe uzycie: &6/ranking &7<&6set|add|remove&7> <&6gracz&7> <&6ilosc>&7"				else:					send "&8> &cPrawidlowe uzycie: &6/ranking &7<&6set|add|remove&7> <&6gracz&7> <&6ilosc>&7"			arg 1 is "add":				if arg 2 is set:					if arg 3 is set:						if {punkty::%arg 2%} is set:							add arg 3 to {punkty::%arg 2%}							send "&8> &7Zaaktualizowano ranking gracza: &6%arg 2%&7!"							execute console command "scoreboard players set %arg 2% pkt %{punkty::%arg 2%}%"						else:							send "&8> &cGracza o takim nicku nie ma w bazie danych!"					else:						send "&8> &cPrawidlowe uzycie: &6/ranking &7<&6set|add|remove&7> <&6gracz&7> <&6ilosc>&7"				else:					send "&8> &cPrawidlowe uzycie: &6/ranking &7<&6set|add|remove&7> <&6gracz&7> <&6ilosc>&7"			arg 1 is "remove":				if arg 2 is set:					if arg 3 is set:						if {punkty::%arg 2%} is set:							remove arg 3 from {punkty::%arg 2%}							send "&8> &7Zaaktualizowano ranking gracza: &6%arg 2%&7!"							execute console command "scoreboard players set %arg 2% pkt %{punkty::%arg 2%}%"						else:							send "&8> &cGracza o takim nicku nie ma w bazie danych!"					else:						send "&8> &cPrawidlowe uzycie: &6/ranking &7<&6set|add|remove&7> <&6gracz&7> <&6ilosc>&7"				else:					send "&8> &cPrawidlowe uzycie: &6/ranking &7<&6set|add|remove&7> <&6gracz&7> <&6ilosc>&7"			stop		else:			send "&8> &cNie masz uprawnien do uzywania tej komendy! &7(&6psranking.*&7)"

Problem Polega Na Tym Że Gdy Ktoś Zginie Teleportuje Go Na Spawna Nie Tego Co Ustawiłem Tylko Na Spawn'a Worlda. Drugi Problem Jest Taki Że Gdy Ktoś Zginie Eq Jest Teleportowane Razem Z Graczem Na Spawna ! Pomocy !!!!

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