czesc, zrobilem skrypcik taki superowy do kupowania czegos przez komende, tylko ze pisze ze jest zle wytabowany. nie wiem czy mi nie wykrywa if i else czy jaki ciul. moze mi ktos sprawdzic czy jest okej?
command /mSkeletronSword [<text>]:
if player's money =< 300000:
give player stone sword of sharpness 50 and fire aspect 3 and knockback 3 and looting 3 named "&7Skeletron Sword"
remove 300000 from the player's money
send "&cYou don't have that much money! &7300,000$"
command /mNightKatana [<text>]:
if player's money >= 1000000:
give player iron sword of sharpness 100 and fire aspect 5 and knockback 5 and looting 5 named "&8Night Katana"
remove 1000000 from the player's money
send "&cYou don't have that much money! &71,000,000$"
command /mPirateSaber [<text>]:
if player's money >= 3000:
give player iron sword of sharpness 3 and knockback 1 and looting 3 named "&fPirate Saber"
remove 3000 from the player's money
send "&cYou don't have that much money! &73,000$"
command /mStormChaser [<text>]:
if player's money >= 100000:
give player blaze rod of infinity 10 named "&6Storm Chaser"
remove 100000 from the player's money
send "&cYou don't have that much money! &7100,000$"
[00:03:54 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading
[00:03:54 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 8 spaces (, line 3: if player's money =< 300000:')
[00:03:54 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 12 spaces (, line 4: give player stone sword of sharpness 50 and fire aspect 3 and knockback 3 and looting 3 named "&7Skeletron Sword"')
[00:03:54 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 12 spaces (, line 5: remove 300000 from the player's money')
[00:03:54 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 8 spaces (, line 6: else:')
[00:03:54 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 12 spaces (, line 7: send "&cYou don't have that much money! &7300,000$"')
[00:03:54 WARN]: Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (, line 2: trigger:')
[00:03:54 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found '->____' [-> = tab, _ = space, ? = other whitespace] (, line 11: if player's money >= 1000000:')
[00:03:54 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found '____->->' [-> = tab, _ = space, ? = other whitespace] (, line 12: give player iron sword of sharpness 100 and fire aspect 5 and knockback 5 and looting 5 named "&8Night Katana"')
[00:03:54 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found '____->->' [-> = tab, _ = space, ? = other whitespace] (, line 13: remove 1000000 from the player's money')
[00:03:54 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found '____->' [-> = tab, _ = space, ? = other whitespace] (, line 14: else:')
[00:03:54 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found '____->____' [-> = tab, _ = space, ? = other whitespace] (, line 15: send "&cYou don't have that much money! &71,000,000$"')
[00:03:54 WARN]: Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (, line 10: trigger:')
[00:03:55 INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 10 errors while reloading!
dziwne jest to, ze tylko /mpiratesaber oraz /mstormchaser dziala normalnie
Darknezajsik 0
czesc, zrobilem skrypcik taki superowy do kupowania czegos przez komende, tylko ze pisze ze jest zle wytabowany. nie wiem czy mi nie wykrywa if i else czy jaki ciul. moze mi ktos sprawdzic czy jest okej?
dziwne jest to, ze tylko /mpiratesaber oraz /mstormchaser dziala normalnie
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