moglby ktos dodac do tego skryptu refy i perły? bede wdzieczny
limitkoxow: 10
limitref: 16
limitper: 3
on eat of 322:1:
wait 7 ticks
if player has {@limitkoxow} 322:1:
send "&2&lZabrano koxy poniewaz miales ich zbyt duzo!" to player
loop 128 times:
if player has {@limitkoxow} 322:1:
remove 1 322:1 from player's inventory
add 1 to {schowek::koxy::%player%}
on join:
if {schowek::koxy::%player%} is not set:
set {schowek::koxy::%player%} to 0
command /schowek [<text>]:
if arg is not set:
wait 1 tick
open chest with 1 rows named "&6&lSchowek" to player
format slot 4 of player with 1 of enchanted golden apple named "&2&lPosiadasz &6&l%{schowek::koxy::%player%}%&2&l koxy!" with lore "&2&lKliknij aby wyplacic!" to run [make player execute command "schowek koxy"]
if arg is "koxy":
if {schowek::koxy::%player%} is greater than 0:
give {schowek::koxy::%player%} of 322:1 to player
set {schowek::koxy::%player%} to 0
vkvbuss 22
moglby ktos dodac do tego skryptu refy i perły? bede wdzieczny
limitkoxow: 10
limitref: 16
limitper: 3
on eat of 322:1:
wait 7 ticks
if player has {@limitkoxow} 322:1:
send "&2&lZabrano koxy poniewaz miales ich zbyt duzo!" to player
loop 128 times:
if player has {@limitkoxow} 322:1:
remove 1 322:1 from player's inventory
add 1 to {schowek::koxy::%player%}
on join:
if {schowek::koxy::%player%} is not set:
set {schowek::koxy::%player%} to 0
command /schowek [<text>]:
if arg is not set:
wait 1 tick
open chest with 1 rows named "&6&lSchowek" to player
format slot 4 of player with 1 of enchanted golden apple named "&2&lPosiadasz &6&l%{schowek::koxy::%player%}%&2&l koxy!" with lore "&2&lKliknij aby wyplacic!" to run [make player execute command "schowek koxy"]
if arg is "koxy":
if {schowek::koxy::%player%} is greater than 0:
give {schowek::koxy::%player%} of 322:1 to player
set {schowek::koxy::%player%} to 0
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