Język: Skript
Autor: San4dY
options: item: iron block of unbreaking 10 named "&7&lGenerator Zelaza" with lore "&f&lPoloz aby zaczac generowac zelazo" command /generator: trigger: give {@item} to player on place: if player's tool is {@item}: add location of event-block to {genezalaza::location::*} if {genezalaza::location::*} contains location of event-block: while block at event-block is {@item}: drop 1 iron ingot at block above event-block wait 1 second wait 1 seconds on break: if {genezalaza::location::*} contains location of event-block: cancel event delete event-block if player's tool is stone pickaxe or iron pickaxe or diamond pickaxe: drop 1 {@item} remove location of event-block from {genezalaza::location::*}